For the week 11, as Mr. Faosi said last week, we continued the ethical issues in class. He explained 3 main topics and, Ms. Vino Thini, explained 2 main topics.
Mr. Faosi break ice within students with some questions like which topics we would continue to discuss in this week 11 class as the most important issues happening recently all over the countries. Some answers from students were right. He discussed 3 topics that were human intervention, torture and corruption. The corruption part was my most favorite part among all the ethical topics. I really focused when he explained about it. Ms. Vino’s topics were plagiarism and divorce. I got much knowledge about why the students plagiarize and what are the consequences not only for that school life but also for our future. She explained us in perfect way.
Mr. Faosi and Ms. Vino Thini said that week was their last lecture and we all were a bit sad because they can make us happy and courage us most of the time among all lecturers.