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John Britto

John B. Parisutham
Nov 1, 20243 min read
Building global citizenship consciousness through YouTube among underprivileged and marginalized in India - NMCT* as a case study.
- P. J. Britto, Victoria, Australia In an increasingly interconnected world, the concept of global citizenship has emerged as a pivotal...

John B. Parisutham
Aug 24, 202425 min read
Mr. Idris, the Sun
Mr. Idris, the Sun. - Dr. John Britto, JOBA, Australia Mr. Idris is the sun....

John B. Parisutham
Oct 2, 202115 min read
Sustainable development, Climate Change and Innovation - Case study of Costa Rica
Published in Psychology and Education (2020) 57(9): 3601-3607 ISSN: 00333077 Author: P. J. Britto Abstract...

John B. Parisutham
Oct 1, 202113 min read
The impact of YouTube on Journalism
Author: John Britto Parisutham Published by: Global Science and Technology Forum, Singapore Available at:

John B. Parisutham
Sep 29, 202121 min read
Uses Gratification Theory and Village Cooking YouTube Channel - A Discourse (Article published link in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis)...

John B. Parisutham
Aug 23, 20215 min read
Disposable Mask and Deteriorating Environment
What do you do with disposable masks? What else to do? We throw. Aren't we? But do we throw in the right place? The answer is a big NO....

John B. Parisutham
Aug 2, 20214 min read
Pegasus spyware - What, How, Who and Why
A social activist plans a people’s struggle against his government. He discusses the plan with his colleagues, prepares a document with a...

John B. Parisutham
Jul 3, 20213 min read
“I run my family from the income I get by selling goats.” – Ms. Manimekalai, Vattan Theru. “If my children are studying and we live in a...
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