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Proposal for Flood Relief and

 Post Flood Rehabilitation


Grameen Bank

July 21, 2013

Submitted by

Bangladesh Rural Development Organization

12, Kazi Nazrul Islam Street, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh

20/07/2013 Dhaka Bangladesh


The Chairman Grameen Bank Grameen Bank Bhaban, Mirpur – 2 Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Project titled – FLOOD RELIEF AND POST FLOOD REHABILITATION – Bangladesh Rural Development Organization.

Greetings from BRDO.

Bangladesh Rural Development Organization is a registered non-profit voluntary organization working for rural development for the past 13 years. Currently, we are in the process of helping flood affected people who are looking for places to live and have lost their houses, crops and valuable household items.

The attached project proposal named as above would make the effort of helping the flood victims, especially the poor people who are now living in inhumane situation.

Please sanction the same and help the people of Polashpur village to get rid of their sufferings and overcome the situation.

Thanking You Yours truly,

Mr Jahid Hasan Project Manager Bangladesh Rural Development Organization

Encl: Project Proposal with due attachment

Currency and Equivalents

Currency Unit = Bangladesh Taka (BDT)

                                                           USD 1.00 = BDT 70.00

Units and Conversions

1 lakh = 100,000

1 crore = 10,000,000

1 acre = 0.407 ha

1 decimal = 0.01 acre

Abbreviations & Acronyms

BRDS – Bangladesh Rural Development Society

FRPFRP – Flood Relief and Post Flood Rehabilitation Project

DRRO – Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation

DMIC – Disaster Management Information Center

BDRCS – Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

IFRC – International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

DMIC – Disaster Management Information Centre

FMC – Flood Management Committee

NDRCC – National Disaster Response Coordination Centre

RCY – Red Crescent Youth

DAC – Disaster Awareness Campaign

PFMC – Polashpur Flood Management Committee

PVP – Paid Volunteers Program

1.0           Executive Summary

Background: Recent torrential rainfall starting from 14 July 2013 has caused floods to a total of 5 districts in the south-eastern region of Bangladesh. Water is flowing over the danger level at some points in the affected area especially in the most affected district of Comilla. In consequence, one of the flood-prone upazillas (sub-districts) of Comilla, Homna has been affected terribly causing deaths to people and damage to properties, reported from various governmental and non-governmental sources. An estimated 5,000 households have been affected and 78 deaths have been recorded only in Homna Upazilla itself. Massive damage to the properties and losses of lives have made the affected people especially the children, women, elderly and disabled more vulnerable. Hence, the flood affected community requires immediate humanitarian response in terms of food, shelter, clothing, water, sanitation, healthcare and livelihood.

Rationale: According to the survey report from the Bangladesh Rural Development Society (BRDS) Rapid Assessment Team (RAT), one of the most populated villages in Homna Upazilla, Palashpur is undergoing a massive flood damage cost which is worth of approximately BDT 10,747,000.00. A total of 3,500 families have been affected till 20 July and damage to food stocks and crops, livestock, tube-wells, sanitary latrines, housing, roads and overall communication system has caused havoc in the flood affected area. However, no humanitarian aid or flood response team have arrived there yet. Hence, realizing the immediate needs of the flood affected people we planned to come ahead with early flood relief as well as post flood rehabilitation programme.

Project Area and Target Group: With a total population of 4,892, covering an area of almost 70 hectares, Palashpur is one of the largest villages in Homna Upazilla. The floodplain delta is bordered by the Meghna River and its two tributaries namely Titas River and Kathalia River which play significant roles in causing floods almost every year during the monsoon season. Therefore the target groups are the flood affected people in Palashpur who are suffering from the destruction and damages from the flooding in last few days.

Goals and objectives: The aim of this project is to help the flood affected people to turn back to their normal life by providing the needed materials during and after the flood. The objectives clarify the intended outcome of the project which are to reduce the loss and sufferings during the flood, to make the victims aware of the disaster and lastly to improve their standard of living. Based on these ideas, the project will ensure the advancement of rural people in facing the devastating natural disasters like flood.

Project implementation (Strategies and activities): Initially, a survey (by the RAT) was carried out in the flooded area to get a clear picture of the situation and estimate the amount of losses and damage level. The activity includes research and development strategy that continues with the following activities. The planned strategies and activities to be carried out during the flooding and post flood period can further be divided into three phases. Phase 1 includes the immediate relief programme, Phase 2 includes the post relief programme and Phase 3 includes the post flood rehabilitation programme. Thus, Phase 1, to be carried out exclusively for the first and second week of the first month, includes strategies such as early victim support through immediate relief programme and activities such as purchase and distribution of the relief items (i.e. the basic necessary items) among the flood affected people. Phase 2, to be carried out for the last two weeks of the first month, includes strategies such as post-victim support and participatory infrastructural development and activities such as purchase and distribution of more developed and sustainable items and temporary construction of bridges, tube-wells and sanitary facilities.  Finally, phase 3, to be carried out for the whole next month, includes several effective strategies such asawareness raising, organizational development, employment and the continuedparticipatory infrastructural development from phase 2 to be implemented through activities such as organizingDisaster Awareness programme (DAC), setting up a permanent village flood management committee (PFMC), providing jobs to the interested part-time volunteers and employing them in post flood rehabilitation

Results (Impacts and outcomes): We believe, after the implementation of the activities in the project area through following the above stated effective strategies, of obtaining a number of outcomes and impacts from the project. In the Phase 1, the project will create enormous impact on reducing poverty and migration of the people from the flooded area, In the Phase 2, it will reduce sufferings of the flood people while in phase 3, it will help the affected people to turn back and improve their lifestyle through their talents and abilities of tactical agricultural knowledge.

Staffing and administration: In order to make the section more understandable, we have divided it into three parts. The first part includes personnel from BRDS itself; the second part includes both part-time workers and volunteers from the Palashpur village and the third part includes personnel from governmental and nongovernmental organization. All the staffs and employees involved in the project are solely devoted and hopeful about the success of this project.

Project Costs (Budget): The estimated budget cost for the whole project has been accumulated in BDT 6,427,500.00 of which the personnel cost is BDT 761,000.00 and non-personnel cost is BDT 56,66,500.00. The budget section includes financial information about all the items required during flood relief and rehabilitation programme for both the organization (BRDS) and the project area. The budget section also includes two sections; the first section illustrates the quantitative data as project costs overview and the second section describes the narrative section where explanation of each items (what, where, how, when) used have been provided.

Sustainability: The sustainability of the project will be ensured by facilitating the management of local supports for future floods through setting up the Palashpur Flood Management Committee (PFMC), providing individual supports to the affected people through organizing the Disaster Awareness Programme (DAC), creating employability of the part-time workers through creation of job opportunity during relief and post flood rehabilitation programme, sustaining the process of cultivation and agricultural activities through distribution of seedlings and agricultural equipments to farmers, developing the standard of living of the flood affected people through temporary and permanent construction of community facilities, and facilitating the process of proper maintenance of the water-transportation facility (i.e. boats) through handing over to the PFMC to utilize for further purposes and immediate supports during the future floods.

2.0           Problem Statement

2.1            Project Rationale

The current situation: Continuous torrential rain for three days starting from 14 July 2013 have resulted in floods and affected 5 districts in the South-eastern region of Bangladesh. Within three days of heavy raining, the district of Comilla, Feni, Chandpur, Lakhsmipur and Noakhali were affected of which Comilla was the most affected district. One of the upazilla (sub-district) of Comilla District, Homna is currently facing the most terrible disaster of the century. It has been reported through numerous government and private sources that the area require immediate relief assistance to support the flood affected people.

According to reports from Bangladesh Television news on 16 July, heavy downpour and upstream water have caused flooding in many areas since the same day; water is flowing over the danger level at some points in the affected area especially the Homna upazilla of Comilla district. According to statistics from the government’s Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation (DRRO) dated 19 July, a total of 356 deaths had been reported in the district of Comilla of which 78 death were in Homna upazilla itself. The Disaster Management Information Centre (DMIC) also reported on 18 July stating, a total of 184,663 households had been affected in 34 upazillas of Comilla district only.  Reports from some local NGOs and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) affirm that approximately 5,000 households have been affected in 15 villages of Homna upazilla. The situation in the affected villages is extremely terrible; they are in need of emergency relief and support in terms of food, shelter, water, clothing, healthcare and sanitation.

Justification of the project: Realizing the necessity, an assessment team from Bangladesh Rural Development Organization (BRDO) was sent to Homna upazilla to observe the current situation and find out flood affected areas people were experiencing massive losses and damage to their lives and properties. Eventually, we found a village named Palashpur, one of the populated villages, in Homna upazilla. Though there have been few governmental and non-governmental support especially from Ministry of Food and Disaster Management (MoFDM) and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) arrived at Homna, surprisingly, this village Palashpur was out of their reach. Hence, we did a quick survey with the help of some GOs and NGOs throughout the affected area in the village and realized the need to send early relief support here.

Total flood damage at the project area: Our rapid assessment reports the estimated damage statistics only at Palashpur village till 20 July, 2013 (See Table 1). According to our assessment report, approximately 3,500 people have been affected by the flood. Flood victims have lost their land, crops, livestock, agricultural equipment, water sources and sanitation facilities which are worth of BDT 10,747,000.00

Table 1: Damage StatisticsDamage Type (Unit) Estimated Amount of Damage Estimated Value in Taka (BDT)No. of people affected3,500

–No. of family affected600

–No. of households fully damaged122

–No. of deaths36

–No. of houses damaged600

720000.00Homestead damaged (acres)320

1050000.00Food stock damaged (kilogram)3,000

620000.00Crops damaged (acres)45

2540000.00No. Agricultural equipment damaged



No. of Livestock damaged 450


No. of Water points damaged 550


No. of Sanitary latrines damaged 450


No. of people affected by disease and unhygienic problem



Roads damaged (kilometre) 4


Survey Location: Palashpur village, Homna upazilla, ComillaSource: Bangladesh Rural Development Orgazination (BRDO) Regional Disaster Statistics, as of 20 July 2013

It is worth-mentioning that the village Palashpur especially the Homna upazilla had suffered from devastating floods over the past 20 years in 1988, 1996, 1998 and 2004. During the 2004 flood, Homna was identified in the Rapid Flood Assessment as one of the most severely affected areas in Bangladesh in terms of percentage of area inundated, inundation depth (2 meters) and percentage of people affected (Centre for Policy Dialogue, 2004) Therefore, we think, looking at the current damage figures we need to step in the affected area as quick as possible to support these poor, helpless and shelter-less people. Furthermore, the flood affected people during the post flood period, most probably after a month, also will be requiring post flood rehabilitation and reconstruction of the housing, roads and other infrastructural development. We do not only limit ourselves to providing early flood relief, but also intend to extend our service and support during post flood period sustaining their social and economical life and infrastructural management. The necessity of current relief and future rehabilitation can further be understood from the following needs overview of the Palashpur flood affected people.

2.2     The needs of the target people

Experiencing the massive losses and damage costs, the flood affected people of Palashpur village need immediate humanitarian response in terms of food and non-food, shelter, health, water, sanitation and livelihood. A summary of each sector can be addressed through following needs description.

Food and non-food support: Food stocks and cooking utensils were washed away by the flood water leaving many families to be fully dependent on immediate relief support. In consequence, the food needs of the affected households have risen to greater extent which can only be supported with food and non-food support of required quantity (See the budget section for further deatials). Furthermore, the affected households cannot afford sufficient level of food until the next harvest due to severe damage to the crops, livestock and homestead. Hence, they are in need of early food items such as both dry and cooked food as well as cooking utensils as further food recovery support to restrain from hunger and death.

Shelter support: According to our BRDO survey report, a total of 1,350 houses have been fully or partially damaged by the flood water. Almost all houses are made of tin (both roof and walls); each household own at least two to three houses in their yards including living house, kitchen and houses for farming and livestock. Due to heavy rainfall and overflow of water, almost 40 percent of the damaged houses remain with no roof and walls. Our rapid assessment team has observed with their own eyes the terrible situation the displaced people are experiencing. Across the flood affected area in Palashpur, displaced people have been forced to relocate to schools, roadsides, mosques and neighbouring houses. The most vulnerable group of people especially children, women, elderly and disabled people are facing difficulties to maintain regular routine and remain secure at a new dwelling. Hence, they require early shelter materials such as tents as well as further recovery needs through transitional shelter support such as housing rehabilitation at post flood period.

Healthcare: An estimated 870 people who had been affected by water-borne diseases and are currently getting no healthcare services. Many more households are getting sick day by day and being in need of healthcare services. As no government and non-governmental organization yet reached the community, we planned to approach them with immediate health support including first aid, saline, medicine and mosquito killing support.

Water points: A large number of tube-wells have been contaminated with flood water in the village forcing the people to seek for alternative drinking water sources. As such, people are collecting uncontaminated water from neighbor village, Shimulganj at least two kilometers away. However, according to reports from Disaster Management Information Centre (DMIC), soon water level may rise and overflow the nearby villages and other unaffected upazillas. In some situations, the villagers even are using the contaminated water from the damaged tube-wells increasing the risk of water-borne diseases. In this case, the affected people early drinking water support and post flood construction of contaminated drinking water sources.

Sanitary facility: Damage to sanitary facility in the houses has also caused difficulties to the affected people of the area. Many of them are being forced to defecate openly contaminating the water of ponds and the flood affected water sources. Especially women are facing the most difficulties to defecate at daylight and feeling unsecured at night. Hence, they are in need of immediate temporary sanitary facilities and construction of the sanitary latrines during post flood period.

Livelihoods: Since agricultural activity is the main source of income, many farmers and agricultural workers are starving due to massive damage to standing crops and loss to their food stocks. In consequence, the agricultural workers became jobless as the farmers are unable to provide jobs to them. Furthermore, the people of both occupancies are seeking for cash support to cover the livelihood expenses during the flood and restart cultivate after the flood.

3.0           Project Description

3.1     Project Area and Target Group

Geographic area: The project will be implemented in the Palashpur, one of the largest villages in the Homna Upazilla (Sub-district) of Comilla District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh. The floodplain delta of Palashpur covers almost 70 hectares and is bordered in the northwest by the Meghna River and its tributaries, the Titas River in the north and south and the Kathalia River in the west. These rivers play important roles in causing floods almost every year (seasonal floods) throughout the Upazilla.

Demographics of the area: With a total population of 4,892 of which 2,488 are males and 2,404 are females, Palashpur is one of the populated village of Homna Upazilla. The population density of the area is 1,175/km2 (3,040/sq mi) (BBS, 1991). Palashpur has 814 units of household and an average annual household income of about US$950, while half of the sample population earns US$580 per year, being considerably lower than the national average which is US$325. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, almost 50% of the floodplain residents live below poverty line (Brouwer et al., 2007).

Target group: The main target group of FRPFRP will be (i) the flood victims of the area regardless of ages, occupation and income level (ii) the group of people most vulnerable to and affected from flood based on the level of losses (iii) the poor households in need of immediate food aid, shelter, uncontaminated water, sanitation and health care (iv) the individuals who will be helping as part-time volunteers in relief work and post flood rehabilitation program.

Targeting Approach:  The various approaches for targeting the people in need include (i) geographic targeting by selecting those people living in near the rivers and are usually affected the most due to high inundation level of water at their house and surroundings (ii) household targeting by selecting the households mostly appeared to be the victims of the flood through our survey assessment in the area to help them covering  their losses of lives, properties and livestock (iii) individual targeting by selecting the number of male and female part-time volunteers to provide them with additional wage employment opportunities by engaging them in reconstruction activities at post flood period. (iv) key informant targeting to select the group of people to be trained to be member of the permanent Flood Management Committee (FMC) and be responsible for conducting future flood management program and help to mitigate the amount of damage from floods as a part of the project sustainability.

Causes of the seasonal flooding

The main causes of the seasonal flooding in the area appear to be the torrential raining during monsoon season. Rainy season in the sub-district of Homna generally lasts from the month of May to October. The average rainfall is 69mm in winter season and the annual rainfall is 2131mm of which of which 75% falls during the monsoon from June to October (Anon 1999). Heavy monsoon rainfall generates excessive flows in the rivers (Meghna and its tributaries) and thereby causes floods almost every year causing damage to houses, agricultural crops, and the infrastructure in the area. For more than half of the monsoon season around two-thirds of the area remains under six feet water (Brouwer et al., 2007).

The partial causes of this frequent flooding are no existence of embankment in the area yet and to resist flood and less intensity of taking preventive measures by the flood victims themselves (Brouwer et al., 2007).

Causes of Poverty in the area

Most households are involved in agricultural activities to support their livelihood. There are also communities of fishermen found along the rivers and creeks (DGIS, 2006). Therefore the economy of the area depends on mainly agricultural activities such as farming and fisheries. However, tradesmen of the area have the highest annual household income (US$1,490), followed by farmers and fishermen (respectively US$1,095 and US$1,060 per year) (Brouwer et al., 2007).

Despite the statistics from Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (stated above), also due to dependency on only one type of occupation and having unequal income distribution in the area makes the people of Palashpur village live under poverty line. Every year when the flood strikes over the village, it affects most the poorer households. On one side, they do not have sufficient money to cover the cost of damage and losses and on another side, they also do not have access to land, properties and credit activities. Thus frequent flooding makes the poorer households of Palashpur poorer.

Drivers of vulnerability

The first factor that makes the villagers vulnerable to flooding is the geogrphical location of their houses. People living near the rivers appear to be more vulnerable due to seasonal flooding and inundation level in and around their houses. There is a perception exist among the villagers that devastating flood may come in the upcoming year which will cause damage to their properties and loss to many lives. Floods over the past 20 years in 1988, 1996, 1998 and 2004 remind them of those terrifying moments. Furthermore, due to the location of their houses in low-lying land along the rivers, in more than one-third of the cases the water comes waist high during the rainy season (approximately 1.5 feet) and in another one-third of the cases even shoulder high (approximately 3 feet)(Brouwer et al., 2007).

The second factor is the unequal income distribution among the inhabitants that indicates higher flood risk exposure. Reported from previous study in the area, majority of the households living near rivers have lower household income. They also do not have diversified income sources to cover damage cost at post flood period. As a consequence, they are likely to be fall back from community level coping mechanisms during and after floods. Families with a low household income are more at risk from flooding and face higher inundation levels than wealthier households (Figure 1)(DGIS,2006).

The third factor is the supporting issue from the government and local NGOs such as government subsidies and post flood rehabilitation by existing organizations. During post flood period, no formal supporting network exists in the area to help families mitigate their income and asset losses. Most key informants in this particular area stated that the existing NGOs play almost no role at all in dealing with microcredit systems or even normal cash grants in helping people during and after floods (Brouwer et al., 2007).So the families have to rely on friends, relatives and neighbours or buying food from the local shop on credit.

3.2     Goal and Objectives:

The goal of this project is to help the flood affected people in driving back to their normal life. This project intends to decrease the damage and distresses of the flood victims as well as to give them broader concept of natural disaster. The main objectives of this projects are as followed:

a. To reduce the loss and sufferings of flood victims

b. To make them aware of disaster especially flood and prepare themselves in future

c. To improve their standards of living

3.3     Methods/ Strategies & Activities

The approach

While several districts have been drowned under water due to heavy rainfall and overflow of upstream water and many governmental and non-governmental sources are also reporting of the massive losses and destruction throughout the affected area, BRDO also planned to observe the sufferings of the people going to the affected area especially in Homna upazilla and contribute in serving the helpless community there. In order to obtain a shared overview of the situation at the affected area, understanding the recovery needs of affected population, a wider and extensive household survey was conducted exclusively for two days starting from 19 July to 20 Jul7 2013. The survey was set up to conduct throughout Palashpur village listening, no support yet reached in the area and the flood has already devastated massive damages and caused deaths. Furthermore, we also intended to understand the vulnerability of the affected households and its members. A rapid assessment team, comprising of 25 employees was set up and sent to the affected area of Palashpur. We also called for assistance from several governmental and non-governmental organizations. The quickest response came from National Disaster Response Coordination Centre (NDRCC) and the Red Crescent Youth (RCY) providing us 25 additional volunteers to assist in the rapid survey throughout the affected area. Therefore, comprising of a total 50 members, the rapid assessment team started their survey in Palashpur. Around 300 flood affected households were asked about their flood damage, flood problems and survival strategies. The village people were also informed about the purpose of the survey to avoid ethical issues as some of the families are traditionalist to document their information.

Strategies followed: Research and development of the project area not only through RAT survey, but also from numerous secondary sources.

Data collection

The survey enabled the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was not only collected from the people but also from different governmental sectors which include the total population affected by the flood, per capita income of villagers as well as the water level in the affected area. Most of the baseline information was collected from Government sources (BBS, DAE, and DRR) and the responsive information from various agencies (BRAC, UN). The qualitative data was collected from the households, Union Chairman, local Statistical Officer and Agricultural Officer about the current condition of the flood and the loss and sufferings of the victims. There is also secondary data which was placed together from reliable sources such as Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Disaster Management and Relief Division, Directorate of Relief and Rehabilitation and Department of Public Health Engineering.

Key findings

The findings of the survey (see Table 1) clarify the number of affected people, their livelihoods and the damages caused by the flood. The flood water already submerged almost 75 percent of the houses therein. A total number of 3,500 people are affected by the flood. As most of the villagers live in marginal lands and their houses are built by poor materials, the wave during the three days rain destroyed and washed it away. As a result, a total of 122 people became homeless and are looking for an alternative shelter place to live in. Thus, shelter for the affected people has become very crucial at this stage. Over 70 % tube wells and latrines have been damaged during the first few days of the flood and already a total of 870 people have been affected by water-borne diseases. There is a giant probability of spreading water contaminated diseases among the rest of the villagers as the Union Chairman concerned about it during the interviews. It has been found that the people are having food scarcity since the poor people do not have excess to food in their store. Thus, it also becomes very necessary to provide them with immediate food support. A distance of 4 kilometres roads throughout Palashpur are already been destroyed which in turns have prevented regular transportation system and caused proper communication at the affected area. The people have lost all their daily materials which need to be considered with immediate humanitarian response before it causes the loss of more lives. Overall, the survey makes it clear that the life of the flood affected people are in danger and some immediate activities need to be carried out to reduce the sufferings of many households, damage of the properties and as well as to save the lives of the people.

Warehouse set up

A warehouse and a control room has already been set up in the Palashpur High School building located at the middle of the Palashpur village, which was also partially affected by the flood, to store all the relief materials and to transport them to the flood affected people. As only the ground floor of the school has been drowned, the storage will be located on the second and third floor of the school. A number of four people have been appointed to take charge of the warehouse and to ensure the proper distribution of the materials to the particular relief zones (for details of the relief zones see the section “Immediate Relief” below).

The Implementation Overview

Figure 2: The three phases of our activities and followed strategies

The activities which are going to be carried out following several strategies at the flood affected area can be divided into three stages (see figure 1). The first stage is the immediate relief where the flood victims will be served the basic necessary materials to sustain their lives. The second stage is the post relief program to be carried out to reduce the damage and the people’s lives by giving them necessary supplies of tools to at least stand upon their feet. The third stage will be involving the rehabilitation program to reconstruct the damaged resources and help the villagers to go back to their ordinary lifestyle.

3.3.1  Phase 1: Immediate relief

Duration of the phase: First two weeks of the first month.

Strategies followed:  Early victim support strategy through distribution of immediate relief items.

Activities planned: Immediate relief is the first phase where we ensure the most immediate help to the flood affected people. This phase includes the necessary items in terms of food, shelter, water, clothing and medical aid and transportation facility that need to be distributed immediately to the affected victims. A number of sixty people, including both volunteers and paid staffs, will be handling the distribution of materials. The immediate relief will be supplied from the warehouse but it will be carried by the staffs to the specific area in order to serve instantly to the affected people.

For the better and prompt delivery of services, the affected area of the village has been divided into 4 zones in order to meet the challenges at the first phase. The locations of the zones are, zone 1 is on the east side, zone 2 is on the west side, zone 3 is on the south side and zone 4 is on the north side of the village (see Figure 3). Each zone is headed by a Zonal officer who is the overall in charge. He will be assisted by the sector officers, Assistants and volunteers who will update and inform him from time to time for proper networking.

Zone 11 Zonal officer2 Assistants10 VolunteersZone 21 Zonal officer2 Assistants10 VolunteersZone 31 Zonal officer2 Assistants10 volunteersZone 41 Zonal officer2 Assistants10 volunteersTotal:4 Zonal officer8 Assistants40 volunteers

The zonal officer will be responsible for transmitting and updating the daily situation report to the control room. The procedure of receiving materials for every particular household is to sign in a specific paper and give the amount of needy materials to the assistant officers. Each zone will be sent the amount of reliefs given to the affected people to the control room in order for keeping the daily record.

Activity details: the details of each activity which will be conducted in phase one are given below:

Rescue activity:

Activities planned–          As soon as the zonal officer receives the information, the rescue team rushes to the spot to take necessary step for the rescue operation.

–          The rescue team will be ready 24 hours a day to protect the flood victims.

Food& Water supply:

Activities planned–          Each zone will distribute the food to the villagers.

–          The foods are basically dry foods such as Biscuit, Laddu, chira, muri etc.

–          The three time meals will be provided by the specific volunteers to the victims which will be packaged by a restaurant nearby to the village Palashpur.-          Mineral water will be provided to the villagers.

–          The special team will make sure that the affected people only drink the mineral waters.

–          The water will be supplied from each Zone.

Emergency health and care:

Activities planned–          A number of four specialist doctors are hired from Dhaka medical college to provide proper treatment to those people who are injured or affected by any disease during the flood.

–          The doctors will give instant advice through mobile to the affected people.

–          The villagers will be provided with Salaine for instant treatment against diseases like Diarrhea.

–          The doubtful villagers will be given the life-saving drugs at crucial moment and also vaccination to prevent the water or air contaminated diseases.

–          There will be four different primary healthcare in different four zones.

–          The volunteers will coordinate with the local health authorities.

–          A regular monitoring and reporting team will send the report to the control room.-          The volunteers will conduct the health awareness campaign in different shelters.

Basic non-food items:

Activities planned–          The village people will be provided with the clothes which mainly include blanket and pillow.

–          They will also be provided with the candles and lighter since no electricity access will be there.

–          All the non-food items will be given door to door basis by the volunteers.

–          There will be regular monitoring and reporting by the Assistants officer to the control room.


Activities planned–          For the transportation, the affected people will be getting a temporary small boat named as Vella.

–          The volunteers from the villagers will make the Vella using local materials i.e. Bamboo.

3.3.2  Phase 2: Post Relief

Duration of the phase: The last two weeks of the first month.

Strategies followed:  post-victim support and participatory infrastructural development strategy.

Activity details: The implementation of the Phase II mainly relates to the temporary constructions. On this phase the sub-Committee or volunteers will maintain the logbooks of the activities. The flood affected people will need to go through a registration procedure to get the relief from the volunteers in charge. The liable staffs will be managing the contact with government authorities for continual support for the functioning of the flood shelters and for post-flood rehabilitation and relief. The details of the activities are explained below.

Communication system:

Activities planned–          Creation of bamboo-made temporary bridges (as described earlier) to connect the household with the non-submerged roads in order to keep communication uninterrupted.

–          Keep a boat or a raft handy for maintaining communication, especially for transferring sick and/or the elderly to safer places.

–          Creation provisions for procurement of at least two engine powered (fiber-glass) boats to facilitate transfer of patients to distant Thana sadar, if needed, to keep contact with Thana sadar, and to fetch emergency requirements etc. Make a periodic maintenance plan of the engines and the boat, especially during non-flood periods.

–          Be useful, especially in receiving information regarding flood warning. By utilizing village-level cell phones, the CFMC leaders can call FFWC to receive latest information regarding water levels for the nearest point of the flooding river.

Temporary flood shelters:

Activities planned–          Assessing the overall requirement of space within the flood shelter and if needed, increase capacity elsewhere and/or within the premises.

–          Clearly mark escapes routes, preferably showing signs along the escape routes.

–          Cleaning up the premises; provide room for the privacy of the females.

–          Checking where to place cooking utensils and stoves.

–          Provide rooms for treating patients, privacy of lactating mothers and adolescent girls and overall administration of the activities.

–          Liaise with Local Government Institutions (Union Parishad and Thana Administration) and NGOs for various supplies (food items, drinking water, fuel, medicine etc.).

–          Based on capacity assessment, assess weekly demand for various supplies. Maintain charts and logbooks on utilization and supply of such material.

Water, sanitation, and hygiene promotion:

Activities planned–          Drinking water mapping in consultation with DPHE & site finalization.

–          Water trucking of potable water for 30 days for people at temporary places or to homes without access to water.

–          Mobilization of materials.

–          Installation of 10 shallow tube wells.

–           Conduct water quality testing.

–          Site selection & designing of 6 communal bathing latrines in consultation with DPHE.

–          Procurement of construction materials for communal facilities.

Maintenance of health-care facilities:

Activities planned–          Drinking water mapping in consultation with DPHE & site finalization.

–          Organize routine health care checkups for all inmates of the shelters/ camps.

–          Maintain a separate room for treating the sick.

–          Keep first aid material ready.

–          Store typical medicines that are required in marooned areas, maintain logbooks to register usage patterns, check stocks on a regular basis, and try to replenish the stock as quickly as possible.

–          Deploy five mobile medical teams with essential medicines for one month.

–          Provide primary health care to people living on temporary places/makeshift camps, and remote

–          Reference to other medical authorities.

–          Coordinate with local health authorities

–          Conduct regular monitoring and reporting through BDRCS national headquarters staff and IFRC field monitors.

3.3.3    Phase 3: Post flood rehabilitation

Duration of the phase: Throughout the whole subsequent month of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 when the flood water is expected to be gone away.

Strategies followed:  The strategies mainly include post flood rehabilitation programme agenda and our major exit strategies such as awareness raising, organizational development, employment and the participatory infrastructural development from phase 2 to be continued.

Activity details: In this phase, we have planned to provide cash grants, organize Disaster Awareness Campaign (DAC), set up a permanent village flood management committee (PFMC), construct houses, bridges, tube-wells and sanitary latrines both temporarily and permanently, provide farmers with agricultural equipments and sufficient amount of seedlings, providing jobs to the interested part-time volunteers and employing them in the post flood rehabilitation, handing over the boats to the PFMC as a part of the exit strategy.

Cash grants:

Activities planned–          Cash grants will be given to the needy households who have been affected fully or partially from the floods.

–          Households eligible for cash grants will be selected from our continuous assessment and primitive survey result.

–          To avoid misdistribution of cash grants, our team will be actively and frequently monitoring the distribution process.

Disaster Awareness Campaign (DAC):

Activities planned–          The purpose of this activity is to mainly raise awareness among the villagers especially the most vulnerable group of people i.e. children, women, elderly and the disabled people

–          It is a one week session organized for only once.

–          As a prior activity during the post flood period, people will be invited to the DAC; advertisements through union parishad (union council) and local volunteers will be made.

–          Collaboration with the Bangladesh Coastal Guard will be made to obtain a professional officer to conduct the activity session.

–          The participants will be awarded with a certificate at the end of the session.

Formation of Palashpur Flood Management Committee (PFMC):

Activities planned–          To sustain the project, a local flood management committee will be set up.

–          Chairman of the union parishad, local school teachers and the educative people will give priority to be members of executive committee upon a general meeting agreement.

–          The people benefited from the DAC and the part-time volunteers during the relief and rehabilitation program will be given priority to be members and add values to the formation of the committee.

–          The committee will be responsible for future management activities of flood preparation and organizing regular flood awareness activities.

–          Additional sessions will be made between BRDO project committee and the PFMC once in every two months to evaluate the continuation of activities.

Temporary and Permanent Construction:

Activities planned–          Temporary construction from Phase 2 will be continued to community level low cost bridges, tube wells and sanitary latrines throughout the flooded area.

–          Furthermore, the permanent construction will also be made to houses, schools and worship places (i.e. mosques and temples)

–          The part-time workers will be assisting in the construction work.

Providing agricultural equipments and seedlings:

Activities planned–          The farmers and the agriculture dependent people in the flooded area will be selected to provide seedlings and agricultural equipments.

–          Only necessary seedlings will be provided to grow at their yards and further in the crop lands

–          The agricultural equipments will include some low cost instruments only.

–          The distribution will be made only once to the selected households.


Activities planned–          Employment opportunity will be provided to the interested villagers who want work as a part-time worker to assist in the relief and rehabilitation program.

–          The part-time workers will be paid at a monthly basis.

Handing over the boats to the PFMC:

Activities planned–          In order to facilitate the maintenance of the previously distributed boats, those will be again collected and handed over to PFMC.

–          PFMC will then be responsible for further usage during or after the flood and proper distribution of the boats to the flood affected people in the next season.

3.4     Time frameMonth 1Month 2PhasesActivityWeek 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4 ApproachConduct a surveyPhase 1Purchase food ,drinking water,

Medicine and vaccinations

Clothe, blanket,

Candles ,lighters

Transportation and local materials        Distribution of materials and Paid Part time workers        Phase 2Temporary construction of bridges, tube-wells, latrines        Purchase of food items and toiletries

Utensils, mosquito nets        Distribute materials        Phase 3Employment opportunities        Permanent constructions        Formation of village committee        Distribution of agricultural seeds and  tools        Disasters awareness campaign        Cash grants

3.5     Performance Indicator

The main performance indicators that will be used for this projects are the comparisons of objectives and outcomes based on pictures and videos taken during the flood and after the flood. The key improvements can be measured according to the following categories:

a)      The deduction of loss and sufferings of the flood victims time by time

b)      The number of people employed

c)      The constructions of the damage properties

d)     The disaster preparedness awareness campaign

These four categories are assessed to be key in the context of facing and handling natural disasters in Bangladesh especially in Palashpur Village. The measurement of this project will be considered as a boon for improvements approaching other projects in different regions of Bangladesh.

3.6     Results

Poverty Reduction

Our project is a sustainable. We will be able to provide them agricultural tools and instruments. By using those instruments they can produce more crops and that will help them to reduce their current condition.

Reduce migration of people

Because of government negligence is and lack of adequate reliefs during the time of flood some people migrate from village to city in every year. If we are able to provide them adequate reliefs and shelter, It will reduce the tendency of migration.

Raising awareness about the flood

We believe that through the DAC during the time of flood, we will be able increase the awareness and consciousness of villager’s about the flood and other natural calamities. Later on it will help them to prevent the flood and other disasters effectively.

Reconstruction of houses

Because of flood, some of the houses of Palashpur are not eligible for living. We will be able to reconstruct those houses with the help of our labors so that they can live there as usual.

Improvement of knowledge about agriculture

Since we have mentioned in phase III that we will hire an agriculture officer from Bangladesh agricultural university. The officer will teach them how to cultivate the land and get maximum output. We believe that tit will improve the agricultural knowledge of the farmers of Palashpur.

Creation of unity among the villagers

During our project we have a plane that we flood management committee. The members will be some of the villagers and one of them will be the leader. We also mentioned before that we will appoint some of the villagers (about 40) as our part time workers. During the time of flood they will work together. So we believe that through theses we will be able to create unity among the villagers.

Reduce the sufferings

We have a medical team who will work during the time of flood. And we will be able to mange medicine and oral saline. So will be able to serve those who are suffering from different types of disease during the time of flood.

Strengthening disaster management and risk reduction capability 

One of the main purposes of our project is to make them aware about the flood and give them good instruction how to face such a condition. During our project we will be able to organize people awareness program by hiring a consultant.

Creation of healthy environment

We believe that trough our project people of Palashpur will be more conscious about the their daily activity that will create a healthy environment and it will affect positively in their standard of living.

3.7     Staffing/ Administration

1. Personnel from the organization

Project manager – 1

Who will be the chief executive officer of our project and responsible for managing and controlling the overall project. He will distribute the tasks among the zonal officers. And the zonal officers will be accountable to him.

Accountant- 1

He is one of the most important people of our project. His task is recording all the activities and transactions during our projects and makes them in a report from to provide information to the higher authority or out siders.

Warehouse – 4 employees

We will have also four employees in our warehouse. They will work under the project manager and they will distribute the reliefs among the zonal officers. They also responsible for the security of the warehouse.

Zonal officer – 4 (persons)

During our project, we are going to divide the whole village into four parts (east, west, south, and north). For each part there will be one who will be responsible for their respective area.

Full time Labors – (12 persons)

Under each zonal officer there will be three full time labors/workers means twelve labors in four parts. They are ultimate persons who will go door to door and distribute the reliefs.

2. Part-time workers and volunteers from the village

Part- time workers- forty part-time workers and they will be selected among the villagers. Ten for each parts and they will work with the full times workers.

Volunteer – not estimated but those who want to join with us warmly welcomed.

3. Governmental and non-governmental personnel

Rescue team (4 persons); from Bangladesh Coastal Guard, in-charge of each zone; during relief and after flood

Medical Doctor (4 persons); from Dhaka Medical College, during relief. One doctor will be responsible for each part of the village.

Nurse (8 nurses)-during the flood, we will hire eight nurses to serve the sick people. Two for each part and they will work under their respective doctors.

Agricultural officer – 1 person; from Bangladesh Agricultural University. Who will give instruction after the flood how to cultivate the lands properly and how to do efficient crops management?

Consultant – 2 persons; from BRAC Counseling Centre; during flood. They will the do the counseling so that villagers are not distressed during the flood.

Disaster management officer – 1 person; from Ministry of Natural Disaster Control and Rehabilitation. Who will do the awareness campaign about the flood and other natural disasters.

3.8     Documentation, Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation

The zonal officers who are the in charge of M&E unit will produce daily and weekly reports to the Project manager providing data and feedbacks which will help to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, relevance and impact of project activities. These reports will be a boon for comparing the progress and development of actions and activities as well as it will provide evidence of outcomes for each components. Staff responsible for the implementation of the different activities will be captured clearly on the report which will make a room for improvements for the next phase. The progress towards the project goal will be measured based on the deduction of loss and sufferings of flood victims. Several indicators like number of people received flood relief and temporary shelters will relate to improvements of standard of living and reduction in damage, vulnerability and destruction caused by the flood.


The control room managers will be assisted by a computer operator who will key in all the data and evidences in a file received from the zonal officers. The relief distribution on the second phase will be done by going through a small procedure which include the relief receiver’s signatures and a gender survey. This process will evidence the supply of the materials to the flood affected people. Apart from those paper proceedings, the volunteers will be assigned to take pictures and videos on each and every phase of the activities done by the staffs of FLPR Program. All these paper and multimedia documents will be used to make the documentaries and brief story of this destruction and devastation of this flood.

3.9       Sustainability

The exit strategies:The exit strategy for the project will involve (i) formation of the Palashpur Flood Management Committee (PFMC) for the management of preparation prior to future floods and local support during and after the floods (ii) generation of natural disaster (i.e. flood) conscious people through the Disaster Awareness Campaign (DAC) who will be responsible for both providing individual support to the affected people and making other members of the society aware about danger of floods (iii) creation of jobs to the paid volunteers during and after the flood through relief and rehabilitation program for sustaining their livelihoods (iv) distribution of agricultural equipments and vegetables seedlings to sustain the livelihoods of the agriculture dependent people and restart the cultivation process (v) temporary construction of low-cost community bridges, tube-wells and sanitary latrines and permanent construction of houses, schools, mosques and other social institutions as well as collaboration with MoRC for the public road construction to sustain the infrastructural development in the flood affected area (vi) assembling the previously distributed boats to the PFMC for the maintenance and distribution of these water-transports during future floods.

Sustainability of the PFMC: Sustainability of the project will be enhanced by the formation of PFMC during the post flood period. The executive members of the committee especially comprising of the Chairman of the Union Parishad (Union Council) and local educated persons will be boosting up the process of providing local support and flood management. Futhermore, recruitment of the experienced volunteers from the Paid Volunteers Program (PVP) and certified disaster conscious people created through the DAC will be adding values to the management activities of the committee. Every two months an additional session will be organized to evaluate continuity in the flood management activities and projects carried out by the PFMC and ensure the sustainability of the PFMC.

Sustainability of the DAC: The sustainability of the Disaster Awareness Program which will be ensured through the generation of conscious and trained people about the risk and danger of floods. The participants will be awarded with a certificate which can both be recognized at government and non-government sector. Thus, they can get seasonal job during floods and other flood related projects. The PFMC will be responsible in ensuring and employing them in locally available jobs. Furthermore, the people benefited from the DAC can contribute in making the neighbours and other villagers aware about the danger of floods and the necessary steps to take prior to and during floods.

Sustainability of the employment opportunity:  Paid volunteers who will be engaging themselves during immediate relief, post relief and rehabilitation program will not only be paid cash to sustain their livelihoods, but also they can employ themselves at the PFMC. Furthermore, they will be able to employ themselves in the subsequent seasonal floods by assisting the local or international organizations. Thus, a financial viability can be ensured through our job creation of this group of people to further employment opportunities.

Sustainability of the agricultural development: The flood affected farmers who have lost their standing crops and croplands will be provided with vegetable seedlings to primarily grow at their yard which is increasing the financial sustainability of the project as otherwise they had to purchase these seedlings from local markets at an expensive rate. Moreover, providing the farmers with agricultural equipments will further strengthen the sustainability factor from financial perspective. As a result, they will not only be able to restart the cultivation process efficiently and at cheaper cost but also provide jobs to the agriculture dependent workers at their croplands.

Sustainability of the temporary and permanent constructions: Temporary construction of low cost bridges, sanitary latrines and tube wells will at least provide the flood affected people convenience in transportation, sanitation and obtaining uncontaminated drinking water for many years. Further contact and collaboration with the Ministry of Roads and Communication (MoRC) will enable the village community to use well-constructed roads.

Sustainability of the water-transport support: The boats made of environment-friendly tins will ensure environmental sustainability as well as financial sustainability as it will take cheaper cost to construct the boats and saved villager’s money. These boats will be handed over to PFMC for the proper maintenance and distribution during the future floods. Furthermore, the boats made of durable tins are long-lasting.

4.0    Budget

4.1     Projected personnel expensesParticulars/itemsTaka (amount)1.Salary of project manager500002.Salary of accountant300003.Salary of zonal officers800004.Wages of labors960005.Wages of part-time volunteers from village1600006.Salary of rescue team600007.Salary of doctors1200008.Salary of nurse800009.Agricultural officer fees1000010.Consultant fees2500011.Disaster managing officer fees1000012.salary of control employee40000Total expenses761000


1) To conduct the whole project in Palashpur a project manager is essential who will be responsible for overall management of the project. He will distribute the task among the zonal officers and they would be accountable to him. His salary will be 50000 TK.

2) An accountant is also essential. His task is recording all the activities and transactions during our projects and makes them in a report from to provide information to the higher authority or out siders.he will get salary 30000TK

3) We will divide the village into four parts and for each part there will be one zonal officer. They will distribute foods, clothes and other reliefs in their respective area. Each of them will be responsible for each area and each one will get salary 20000 TK.

4) During our project we will appoint twelve’s full time labors in the village and we will recruit those labors from another village. Four each part there will be three full times labors and they will work under their respective zonal officers. Each one will get wage 8000 tk.

5) We will also appoint forty villagers of Palashpur as our part time labor so that they will be able to earn some money. For each part of the village there will be ten part time labors and each one will get wage 4000 tk.

6) A rescue team is inevitable and we will manage a rescue team from Bangladesh Coastal Guard, during relief and after flood .Under this team there will have four members and each one will get salary 15000 TK.

7) During the flood, we know that people offers from different types of diseases. In order to reduce the sufferings of flood affected people we will hire two medical practitioners in Palashpur from Dhaka medical college. Each one will get salary 30000TK.

8) We have also a plan that in order to look after sick people we will appoint eight nurses from nearest hospital and they will also work together with the doctors. Each of them will get 10000 TK.

9) During the time of rehabilitation we will hire an agricultural officer from Bangladesh agricultural university. Who tech the villagers how to cultivate the lands very well and also will give the direction about the crops management among the villagers. His fees will be 10000tk

10) We will also hire two Consultants from BRAC Counseling Centre; during flood and they will do the concealing during the time of flood and each one will get 12500TK

11) In order to raise awareness about the flood as well as other natural disasters among the villagers we will hire one 1 person from Ministry of Natural Disaster Control and Rehabilitation for awareness campaign. And his fees will be 10000tk

12) We have managed a storeroom/ warehouse in the central part of the village in which will sores our relief items. In order to look after the warehouse and distributes the items among the zonal officers we will have four employees. Each one will get salary 10000 TK

4.2     Projected non-personnel expensesParticulars/ itemsTaka (amount)Food itemsRice (600*60kg)1260000Pulse(600*4kg) 168000Potato(600*20)120000Chira(600*8)144000Ghur (600*5)180000Clothes items Women’s sharee2550000Men’s lungi1400000Children clothes487500Other itemsWater purification tablets1620000Oral saline20000Medicine50000Polythene10000Mosquito net90000Toiletries50000Utensils120000Temporary constructions150000Travel/transportation expense50000Blanket360000Vegetable and seeding tools300000Permanent constructions1000000Cash grants600000Total non-personnel expenses56,66,500

Total budget

Personnel+ non- personnel (7, 61,000+56, 66,500) = 64, 27,500 TK


Food items

The most important part of our budget will be focusing on food as because during the time of flood, people suffer from the lack of enough food. Since 600 families out of 815 are currently suffering by the flood so we want distribute food among 600 families. Food items involve rice, pulse, potato, Chira and Ghur.

Rice -2kg per day so 60 kg in one month per family (among 600 families). The current price of rice is 35 TK per kg in the market.

Pulse -4 kg for each family in one month and the current price of pulse is 70 Tk per kg

Potato– 20 kg for each family and price is 10 Tk per Kg

Chira – 8 kg per family for the whole month and the market price is 30 Tk per kg.

Ghur – 5 kg per family for the whole month and the market price is is approximately 60 Tk per kg.

Clothe items 

Clothe is another important part or our relief under this we have women’s share, men’s lungi and children’s cloths.

Women’s sharee – out of 3500 affected people the numbers of women are 800 and we will provide one share per women.  the price for each share is approximately 300 Tk

Men’s lungi– out of 35000 flood affected people in Palashpur 750 is men and for each man we will provide one lungi. The price of one lungi is approximately 250 tk.

Children cloths – rest are children and for children each one will get on dress the price of each dress will be 250 Tk

Other expenses

There will be different types of expenses during our projects those are summarized below-

Water purification tablet-90 tables for the whole month for each family. The price of each tablet is 3 Tk.

Mosquito net –during the time food different types of diseases breakout and it is because of mosquito. So for each family we have planned to provide one mosquito net, price of each one is 150 Tk.

Blanket – each family will get two blankets means 600 family 1200 blankets. The price of each blanket is 300 tk.

Cash grant – we would like to provide cash 1000 Tk for each flood affected family.

Temporary construction: during the flood, we have a plan that will make some temporary bridges, latrines and tub wells and their estimated costs approximately 150000 TK.

Permanent constructions: we also have a plan for repairing some affected mosques, houses as well as other social institutions and their estimated costs approximately 1000000 TK.

Beside theses, there are some travel and transportation expenses, oral saline expenses. Medicine expenses, vegetable and seeds tools, politeness expenses and so on. We have determined their estimated value in our non-personnel budget statement.

5.0    Organizational Information

5.1     Need for the project and the organization’s ability to carry out.

The project title itself define the need of the project since it talks about flood relief and post flood rehabilitation. The village, Palashpur, is already started to go under water because of heavy rain falls. The people of the village are rushing nowhere to find alternative place to live as there is no temporary shelter established in the village. The government and other NGO’s are not showing that much interest to help with the immediate or gradual relief to the flood affected people. Thus, we take the initiative to take this project inorder to help the flood affected people in Palashpur. This project will be implemented through different stages not only to reduce the damage and to save the lives but also to help them going back to their normal life after the flood by doing the rehabilitation program.

“Help to live”, the motto of BRDO clarifies how the organization work in developing the rural areas with a broader perspective of a better world. Through this aim, we believe that the project in hand will be as successful as it succeeded before. Based on what BRDO is all about and how it integrates different people together to live as a unique family, the flood relief and post flood rehabilitation program will be one of the main tasks to accomplish in helping flood affected people. Moreover, as a rural development organization, we have the ability to carry out the project through our efficient skills, decent services and ingenious expertise. The organization have gone through different activities in rural areas which will help the staffs and volunteers to work proficiently with the villagers and to accomplish all the activities needed for the flood victims.

5.2     Vision

The vision is towards the realization of each and every individual to understand the concept of development through helping each other for a better and advanced life.


  1. To provide constructive and encouraging relationships among the rural people

  2. To create access to multiple opportunities for the rural people in developing their physical, intellectual, physiological, emotional and social domains.

  3. To enhance their mind of knowledge in rising their societal advancement as a shared group.

5.3     Year of Commencement

The organization was established on 2001 by a civil society group called “Nobin Sushil Somaj”. It started to begin its first activity by helping the poor people with their educational needs in 2002 and was later involving in so many activities around Bangladesh. It has now become an essential part of the rural development in Bangladesh and it is continuing helping the deprived and illiterate people to improve their lifestyle.

5.6     Details of the Staffs

Jahid Hasan | Project Manager

A respected authority on international community development, Jahid’s experience spans programs in 30 countries throughout Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America, with field work in a dozen. He brings nearly 20 years’ management and leadership experience in the non-profit and private sectors, with a scope ranging from community-based to international policy levels. Prior to joining BRDO, Jahid was a director at the Institute for OneWorld Health, a non-profit pharmaceutical company funded by the Albukhary Foundation, and a team leader for USAID’s flagship child survival project (BASICS). He has also consulted for major international development organizations and domestic public sector programs, and worked in federal legislative advocacy. In 2012, Jahid served as a national mentor with Clinton Global Initiative University, and lectures on international development at conferences, universities, and symposia around the country. Jahid holds a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Virginia Tech.

Mohammad Ali | Assistant Manager

Mohammad Ali was born in Jessore, Bangladesh, lived in Australia, Malaysia and Japan and has recently moved back to Bangladesh pursuing a career shift into the non-profit world. He graduated from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 2007 with a B.A. in Economics and Applied Mathematics. He is devoted to practicing a sustainable lifestyle by voting with his wallet and controlling his overall impact on the environment. His career interests include education and implementation of sustainable practices in agroecology, renewable energy and micro-economic development. He enjoys riding his bicycle, playing soccer or Cricket, live music, travelling and getting creative in the kitchen.

Biplob Hossain | Zonal Officer

Born and raised in Bangladesh, Biplob graduated in 2006 with a B.A. in International Relations. After graduation, he moved to Italy to pursue his studies, and with that he began a new stage in his life, trying to discover different cultures and living also in Mexico, Colombia, and Chile. Back in Bangladesh since 2008, he has worked in different cooperation projects regarding environment, tourism and cultural heritage. In 2011, he obtained his degree as Specialist in International Cooperation for Development in Bangladesh, where he also worked as an intern for the Italian NGO COOPI. Biplob’s other interests include travelling, reading, playing table games, music, cooking and yoga.

5.7     Target People

As a rural development organization we focus on people with diverse linguistic, cultural, and experiential backgrounds living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. The types of people that we focus are listed below.

  1. People who have less access to social and governmental services

  2. People who can be skillful through trainings and have the willingness to involve themselves in activities and make them as an important part of the society.

  3. People with disability

  4. Deprived children

  5. Disaster affected people

  6. People who have different skills, strengths, talents and abilities but don’t have the opportunities

5.8     Organization’s programs

There are numerous programs which have been done by BRDO and still continues to do different programs in and around Bangladesh. However, the programs can be divided into three main categories which are Agriculture and Economic Development program, Social development program and Environmental development program.

  1. Agriculture and Economic development program

  1. Agriculture

i.      Agro farming training

ii.      Seedlings provide program

iii.      Program for allocating Agricultural tools

  1. Economic

i.      Microcredit loans collaborating with Grameen Bank

ii.      Training for hand-made activities

  1. Social Development program

  1. Education

i.      Children educational program

ii.      Adult educational program

iii.      Education for Women

  1. Social awareness program

i.      Smoking free campaign

ii.      Anti-Drugs campaign

iii.      HIV/AIDS  alertness program

  1. Environmental program

  2. Environmental awareness program

i.      Sanitation program

ii.      Anti-polystyrene program

iii.      Tree plantation

  1. Natural disaster (Program during disasters)

5.9     Organization’s special expertise

  1.   Jahid Hasan

Project Manager

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Interdisciplinary Studies

Tel         : +624-7747300

DID       : +604-7747346

Fax        : +604-7747340

E-mail   :

  1.   Mohammad Ali

Assistant Manager

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Economics and Applied Mathematics

Tel         : +624-7747356

DID       : +604-7747398

Fax        : +604-7747302

E-mail   :

  1.   Biplob Hossain

Zonal officer

Bachelor of Arts with Honours in International Relations

Tel         : +624-7747375

DID       : +604-7747378

Fax        : +604-7747312

E-mail   :

6.0    Conclusion

In conclusion, we believe the project will be successful in terms of immediate humanitarian response, rehabilitation works and sustainability. In this case, our sustainability factors are infrastructural rehabilitation, community-level awareness raising, organizational faramework, employment opportunity and agricultural development. The sustainability factors can further be implemented through our exit strategies.

The exit strategy for the project will involve formation of the Palashpur Flood Management Committee (PFMC), organizing Disaster Awareness Campaign (DAC) and benefiting people from the programme, creation of jobs to the part-time workers, distribution of agricultural equipments and seedlings, construction of community facilities and assembling the boats to the PFMC.

In future, we would like to see governmental and non-governmental organizations working together side by side in the remote flood area i.e. Palashpur village. The slow process of many local NGOs in providing rapid humanitarian response for the Palashpur has really disappointed us. An area with such massive damage costs and high level of losses should not be out of the reach of humanitarian aid. Finally, we appeal to the government to take effective actions in the flood affected area and contribute in rapid construction of public facilities such as roads and public schools. We also hope, the flood affected people will again come back to normal lifestyle overcoming the damage and losses to family, relatives and neighbours.

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