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Writer's pictureJohn B. Parisutham

Panel Discussion Report 52: The civil society should promote Women’s right

Our panel discussion session was held on 17th of June, on the topic of The civil society should promote Women’s right. This panel discussion is one of the assignments which should be done during seventh week of this Introduction Civil society subject. Before one week we made group for present our panel discussions and each group formed five or six students. My group mates were I, Syakirah Anati, Nasridini Aslidin, Sali Toure and Ayu Darwina. On that day, we started to choose our topic most related to our current subject. Some of us had different ideas for example, Sali wanted speak up about women rights on general, I wanted to talk about Non-government organizations benefits  and what are the duties of civil societies on education in the worldwide? Nasridini and Syakirah wanted talk about civil society can be promoting women education, and finally, we came up correct topic which I mentioned before was the civil society should promote Women’s right. In fact, this was very good topic for us and we knew that nowadays communities and its women have many issues on their rights.

The women’s rights are very complications and difficulties what they have. Civil societies can solve many issues those societies have but when they come for women right they meet many hindrance or natural obstacles. Firstly, I have question in my mind, we speak and listen many hero’s praising words on women’s rights but once we ask ourselves do we know our sisters and mothers or our society women’s rights and careers, especially single women? Why people do not think about what their women right exist, sometimes and somewhere men do not care or know women’s matters or wants in community. What are the problems or difficulties to shows have on women rights.

So that, we came up some issue point on women rights which are Rights of women education, Rights of women employment, right for their properties and last one is right of women safety and securities. And also some subtopics are seven million women are uneducated, most of Middle East women unemployed, abusing women are disrespect to them, and Islam as religion of full gave rights of women in property and everything

The government political system may can cause for women rights but they mentioned and included their right in country constitution example, the right to live of physical abuse, right to health care, the right to an acceptable standard living, right to choose her own partner, right to vote, right to control properties, freedom of speech and finally, right to equal treatment. There are some very serious things that against the rule for example, cultural and religion beliefs to support country or its societies inequalities between men and women. Therefore, these beliefs allowing vicious problems against women but they have just words or phrase “ Women rights” refer to the basic human rights, these rights held with women rights as well, but people just say simply because they are women. Government or civil societies should promote women rights politically, social and economic equality for women in a society and also traditionally, they confer more things and freedom to them.

The process

Come back our panel presentation, Sale from Guinea was one of our panelists; he has given causes of not giving rights for women for education. He talked very serious issues on education of women around the world and showed us how education is improving, worldview of women education. Many countries education system is not completely promoted for women, such as Asian countries and Middle East, African countries’ women have many difficulties to get knowledge, to get better education and learning, Sale gave us fact that women or girls education is not moving likewise men’s education, example is so many girls in India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and many more eastern countries are having to give up their ambitions, simply because their parents feel that girls should be married and mothers by the age of 18. It is not only education where girls are forced to take a backseat in the East. The inequality spreads too many other things too. He said that why we cannot care about these issues and we or civil societies should help and promote correct women education, they are part of us, hopefully, they can develop our society like men do.

Next one was Ayu  Darwina from Malaysia was asked Giving property to women from Islamic perspective, Culture leads give priority to man rather than women, Giving rights to women to get their property through law by moderator and she answered about women properties . She talked Malaysian women, and cultural beliefs on women and some organizations what they were doing on women rights, what they beneficially have programs for women and how they are practicing on them. Islamic rules and beliefs can promote and support women’s properties and how is circumstances of their societies view of women rights, and in the family what are responsible of husbands towards for their wives, men could promote or provide women wants following Islamic perception.

Third panelist was I; my name is Muzaffar from Uzbekistan. I discussed about right of women employment. I talked about some civil societies and organization programs and works for women employments and their relationship situations with employees.  I searched International Labor rights Forum through the online and gave for audience what they did. And another organization was called Global Fund for women, I mentioned their vision and mission, their very successful projects how their effects for society. In general I came up that if we increased women employees, we would be able to provide new economic, social opportunities for women especially poor women. Because, we know that women workers are systematically denied their rights to regular pay and regular working hours; equal pay for equal work; permanent contracts; safe and non-hazardous work environments; and freedom of association. I also talked sexual harassment in the workplace, and workplace-related sexual violence, is a particularly egregious and widespread form of discrimination against women.

Next our member was Syakirah from Malaysia, she spoke about women nowadays safety and securities in country. She gave very emotional examples what people were doing very egregious fool acts for another gender which is women. She talked some rape crimes and sexual harassment circumstances of our current community. In India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and such kind of Asian, African, Western countries men did any serious, unacceptable and unexcused crimes against women. How many women were murdered, killed, kidnapped, and their unequal marriage situations, were showed us by Syakirah. She stated that surely some Civil society organizations (CSO) are doing and helping women to get their rights back and completely it has done in some country communities.

The implementation

Before the panel discussion, we prepared and discussed the whole process of panel presentation how it should go on. I would like also talk about moderator who was Nasridini, he also did good job he asked some questions and gave us his own process of panel presentation. We also asked some helps from our respective Mr. John Britto to show us our errors and strength what we need for it.  For points, we searched and read through the online, found out some organization works by using their websites. When we told our ideas and views of our points to each other, we have met some weaknesses of data. We corrected them and added some extra needs or information the other member needs.  We saw that we should work more and more on it. Each of us have sub-topic, we answered to moderator, and other listened and gave their comments what we need to change according to points when we did rehearsal.  Finally, we made the real form of our panel process and we really liked it, everyone was agree and ready to present it.

Learning/Reflection of the Panel Discussion

We did many panel discussions before, we know how to do it and learn many things during the panel discussions but we should know that panel discussion need very hardworking, teamwork, knowledge, time management and support of each other. But this is first time work with this team and to defend the women right as a man. Honestly, I learned many things civil societies, non-government organizations and their effective roles and programs on women rights. We were ready for present, ready to show our feeling of women careers. During the presentation, looks liked and very careful listened us; in general everyone is serious for me. Moderator open the speech, everyone gave their speech and turned on for me. I looked the audience, I had laptop in front of me I had speech but I started with very stress and even I did not looked or used my speech in my laptop, I spoke what we did in rehearsal. It seems for me, I was defending girls who I know sisters, classmates, even more group mate sitting beside me. I really proud myself what I did, I defend their rights and it is very emotional times, because we showed what we learned in life and lessons, what can we do or what we have to change for girls, women. I think, it was clear presentation and when moderator asked questions from audience, we got only comments by lecturer and additional points for it, which was good.

Lastly, I want to say that our panel topic was very suit for us. Truth, we have to care our sisters, mothers, ladies rights. We know that Woman also creation of the God and they should independence, love, caring, gentleness and intensity- both in love and in hate and women feeling and emotionally stronger than man in reality. However, we see women are not treated well by men all throughout time. They have been denied their rights, their opportunities. It is very common happening on a daily basis in offices, sports, factories, schools and entertainment. It seems like we really cared about women life and their ethical and morality matter, truth status of developing and undeveloped countries of the world. Another hand, now we know much better than before on their right. I really enjoyed working with this team, because all of them are very kind, they knew their role and responsibilities of this presentation. I got somehow extra leadership skills working this kind of cases. I think I helped them and guide them excellently as much as I know because as I said before none of them has experiences about panel discussions.


Global Fund for Women (2012). Ready to change world? Retrieved on 15, June, from file:///F:/civil%20society/Ready%20to%20Change%20the%20World%20%20-%20Global%20Fund%20for%20Women.htm

International Labour Rights Forum ( 2012). International Labor organization &   rights for      women Retrieved on 15, June, from file:///F:/civil%20society/International%20Labor%20Organization%20&%20Rights%20for%20Working%20Women%20%20%20International%20Labor%20Rights%20Forum.htm

UN Women  (2011).  Civil Society. United nations Entity for Gender equality and the empowerment of women. Retrieved on 14, June, from

Arter J. (2013). Women’s right. Peace worldwide. Retrieved on 25, June, from

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