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Educational Centre for Single Women – Social Welfare Development

Introduction to Civil Society

Assignment: Project Proposal

Submitted to:    Mr.John Britto

Submitted by:  Group Members:

  1. Huria Ahmidu Hamde                          111100096

  2. Maimouna Sylla                                   111100133

  3. Zainoul Abidine Sanoussy Junior        111100137

Submitted on:  Monday – 22/07/2013


Asmara, Eritrea


The Scholarship Officer/Executive Assistant

The community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, Inc

301 South Main Street, Horseheads, NY 14845

Tel: 607- 739- 3900 – Fax: 607- 739- 3971

Dear Miss Nancy Van Fleet,

Sub: Project titled – Educational Centre for Single Women – Social Welfare Development

Greetings from SWD,

Social Welfare Development is non-governmental organization that aims to improve the welfare of the Eritrean society in many aspects. It was formed the year of 2003 in Asmara, Eritrea. We are now looking forward into implementing a new project to improving the lifestyle of Eritrean Single Women by offering them different courses.

The attaché project proposal named as above would improve the lifestyle of single women in Eritrea therefore, a better social welfare in the Eritrean community.

Please help the single women of Eritrea towards self development in order to depend on themselves and be able to defend it.

Thank you,

Yours truly,

( Huria Ahmidu Hamde)

Executive Director

Social Welfare Development

Encl: Project Proposal with due attachment

Educational Centre for Single Women in Asmara, Eritrea


The Community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, Inc

Submitted by:

Social Welfare Development

0021, Liberation Avenue, Asmara, Eritrea

Tel: + 291 715 8784 – Fax: +291 123 3311

Table of contents:                                                                                               Page no.

1. Covering Letter …………………………………………………………………………… 1

2. Cover Page………………………………………………………………………………… 2

3. Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………………… 3

4. The Executive Summary……………………………………………………………… 4,5,6

5. The Statement of need………………………………………………………6,7,8,9,10,11,12

6. The Project Description……………………………………………………………….. 13,14

7. Methods/ Strategies and Activities……………………………………….. 14,15,16,17,18,19,20

8. Time Frame………………………………………………………………………………..21

9. Performance Indicators……………………………………………………………………21

10. Results…………………………………………………………………………….21,22,23

11. Staffing/Administration……………………………………………………….23,24,25,26

12. Evaluation……………………………………………………………………………26,27

13. Sustainability…………………………………………………………………………….27

14. Budget…………………………………………………………………………….28,29,30

15. Organizational Information………………………………………………………….30,31

16. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………32

17. References……………………………………………………………………………….33

4. Executive Summary

This proposal is submitted to the community Foundation of Elmira-Corning and the Finger Lakes, Inc. To obtain approval to fund our project that is a comprehensive educational centre for single women in Eritrea. Since Eritrea has gone through a long period of war till it got it independence in 1991. Therefore, many families has been affected and lost many members of their family specially fathers and sons. Moreover, most of these women were not able to settle and help themselves into improving their lifestyle. This project is not only focusing on those women who have lost their husbands in war but all single women who are aiming to improve their daily life style.

Hence, our educational centre consists of many beneficiary courses that provide opportunities for women to enhance their lifestyle such as Sewing, Leadership, Communication Skills, English course, how to improve lifestyle?, Beauty Salon ; Makeup and cosmetics course and Computer Skills.  In view of the fact that these courses are very important in today’s world and in different fields that can meet the main goal of our project which is improving their lives. Moreover, helping them to depend on themselves, to identify their rights, to be able to defend themselves, support their families, and increase the number of educated women in the country. As a result, educating women leads to better generations.

Moreover, the project target is fifty women in which they are going to be divided based on their choice to (5) women for Sewing, (30) women for leadership and communication skills, (50) all women for English course, (50) all women for how to improve lifestyle course, (10) women for Beauty Salon; makeup and cosmetics and (5) women for Computer skills. Each woman has an option to choose their favorable course except English and How to improve lifestyle courses which are the compulsory courses due to their importance and direct link to our main objectives. Therefore, the duration of courses offered is six months excluding Leadership and Communication skills, and how to improve lifestyle courses duration is (1) one month. This project is to be held in the city center of the capital city Liberation Ave., Asmara, Eritrea. The staffs for this project are basically volunteers who have the willingness, knowledge and experience to make the project successful including the projects main expertise. Moving on, the project requires grant money of RM 53,516.26. However, the proposed project has three main leaders and six local volunteers:

  1. Huria Ahmidu Hamde (Eritrea)

Background: Eritrean lady who grew up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and continued her higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Has a leadership experiences, expert in communication skills, computer skills and speaks English. Inspired and committed to implementing knowledge gained to improving her society especially single women who are in a real need of help.

  1. Maimouna Sylla (Guinea)

Background: Grew up in Conakry, Guinea and continued her higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Is an expert in women’s rights and welfare, social affairs and speaks English fluently.  Improving the lifestyle of African women who are vulnerable and in a massive need of education in order to obtain their rights and defending themselves is her passion.

  1. Zainoul Abidine Sanoussy Junior (Guinea)

Background: Born and raised in Conakry, Guinea and continued his higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Is an expert in MicroFinance, social business and speaks English fluently. Creating new opportunities to the needy and vulnerable people and sharing knowledge and experiences learned throughout his educational period is the main goal.

  1. Salman Hamde (Eritrea – local)

Background: has a bachelor degree in nursing and master certificate in Effective communication skills and Social business. He is currently living in Asmara, Eritrea working in Orota hospital and has the full potential to part-time volunteer for this project.

  1. Michael Manna (Eritrea – local)

Background: has a bachelor degree in English Literature in USA. He is currently living in Asmara, working as an English teacher in “Asmara English School” since 2001. In addition, owns a personal business – Cafeteria in the city centre of Asmara.

  1.  Yohanna Yemane (Eritrea – local)

Background: a successful lady who is an expert in sewing and designing. She is currently working as a designer in “Nakfa” which is a local brand. She is a single woman who went through many challenges to achieve her success and independency. She is a great opportunity to approach the single women and share her experiences and motivate them to work harder for their rights.

  1. Saba Haile (Eritrea – Local)

Background: a successful business woman who owns one of the best beauty salon in Asmara named by her name “Saba Salon”. She is an expert in hair styling and makeup, leadership and speaks English fluently.

  1. Selmaweet Isyas (Eritrea – Local)

Background: has a bachelor degree in computer science from Oxford University. She has settled currently in Eritrea for a new career in Telecommunication and has volunteerism experience in a in Sematat secondary school Asmara university for Computer skills courses.

  1. Selam Hagos  (Eritrea – Local)

Background: a successful business woman who has made a lot of effort to voice out women’s rights in the country. She has done many campaigns to encourage women to be independent and think for themselves and women’s rights awareness programs.

The program has a great expertise that can lead to a very successful outcomes and make a huge difference in the lives of the single-women and the community as a whole.

5. The Statement of Need

We believe that everyone has the right to have a good standard of living. We are nonprofit organization which aim is to honor single women who are considered vulnerable in the society by teaching them skills they can use to support themselves. Widespread variations in politics, socioeconomic structures, and culture, cannot conceal the problems that are affecting Eritrean single women since the creation of the country. From our point of view, these women are facing a lot of challenges and problems in their daily life. We believe that creating an educational centre is going to be the best solution to empower these women. In Eritrea, single women’s long journey to empowerment still remains an uphill climb. It involves struggles. There is no doubt that since their independence, these single women are trying to do their best to improve their standard of living but they need help from outsiders to achieve their goals.

Educating and empowering these women will help the country to improve it social welfare and have an educated generation. This project is for single women with low income, unemployed and with the aim to become independent. Our contribution to the improvement of their livelihood is going to bring a big change in their society. We all know that women are better to face challenges especially when they are aware that they do not have any back up.  Many societies rely on women to care for them and to provide necessities for survival. They are capable of providing their households and themselves with superior nutrition, stronger food security and easy access to healthcare. Our mission and vision is to show them their status in their community. There are thousands of single women who understand their problems and are aware of it. By helping them, we are going to make difference in people’s lives. Our project is going to focus on those single women who desire to obtain some skills in order to have their own business.  Our aim is to teach these women tools which will provide them sustainable income and help them graduate from extreme poverty.  After the realization of our project, with their new skills, they will be able to have diverse source of income.

Moreover, with our innovative approach to fighting poverty and with the passion of helping these single women, we did contact some of them living in the capital city. From the report, we understand that they are really facing a lot problems and discriminations from their community. They are seen as bad women only because they are lonely. Eritrea is a country which is ruled by a dictator since independence so it is very difficult to make any interview in the country. You might face problems or even sometimes get arrested by the government. As Africans, I and my teammate know that a lot of African single women are facing the same problem everywhere because people believe that men are better than women. This stereotyping is the cause of their misfortune. As a matter of fact, we approach some of them and these are the problem we come up with.

In most African cultures, there is no place in the family set-up for the unmarried female.

Some Cases:

Fiory’s Case: Fiory is forty three and single. She is the third wife of her husband and has five children, two sons and three daughters. She started selling things on the road when her husband passed away. She does not make ten dollars per day and she has difficulties to feed and clothe her children. The land her husband left for her and her children was taken away by her family in law after the forty days of her husband’s death. She is almost homeless and has problems to send her children to school. Everyone has abandoned her including her own family because she refused to get married to her husband’s younger brother. In Africa, the role of single parent is challenging one especially when the family is headed by a women. Problem of single mother are linked with the upbringing of children, their future and setting down in life. Fiory is one of those single women facing these problems. She is very brave and she is doing her best for their survival.

Below is Fiory’s picture her five children.

Fiory selling on the road.

However, we noted that Fiory is not the only woman facing this problem in Eritrea. There are thousands of single women there who are fighting for themselves. Most of the time, these women do not only have to deal with their loneliness but also financial problems.  We have the case of Afraah who is single. She is living with her three nephews. They are orphans. Their parents perished in the war so Afraah has the responsibility to take care of them. She owns a small beauty salon where she does not earn much. Not enough to support the children and herself. She told us that sometimes, she has difficulties to pay the house rent and the children school fees.

Below is Afraah in the Salon.

Afraah with her nephews.

In our research methodology, we did a survey to have more facts. The respondents were contacted by home visits to elicit the required information because in Eritrea interview is not allowed by the Government. Each respondent was visited at least 2-3 times for data collection. Flexibility of questions was maintained, if the respondent was not able to respond accurately, then the same question was asked in a different way. Responses were recorded on the basis of interview schedule as well as observation. Data were tabulated and results were given in numbers and percentages. As our project is going to start by fifty women, from the result and discussion we come up with this result. Sixty eight percent of the respondents are doing small business whereas sixty percent of the respondents were non-working. For monthly income, sixty eight percent of the respondents earn less than hundred dollars and thirty two percent have an income of hundred fifty dollars.

The next figure depicts that majority 88% of the respondent were widows. 60% of the window lost their husband in the war and 40% happened due to sickness or natural death. 6% were divorced and equal numbers were separated from their husband. The husband might have left home without reason or travel abroad.

In Eritrea, these single women tend to suffer from a feeling of restlessness and lack of identity after divorce or widowhood. This is especially true of women whose identity was formerly    associated with that of their husbands. In many women, feelings of guilt, shame, resentment, anger and anxiety about future are so dominant, that they bring out personality changes. Financial crisis is also a standing situation with most of the single women. When these women are economically handicapped, then they are unable to participate in many community social organizations.  Most of the time, they are excluded in the community activities.

Moreover, another challenge these women face is dealing with the stress and frustration that comes with taking care of so many duties and responsibilities and not letting that stress affect their life and children in any way. When it comes to household chores, children in single parent families usually help out more as compared to two parent families but then again the major brunt of the household responsibilities lies of the mother’s shoulders. Taking care of themselves and houses is a full time job and it is one in which there is no place for mistakes or second chances. Even though they are always doing their best, they need help and support to achieve their objectives.

As Lisa Kleypas, Rain shadow said in her quote “Without a doubt… the worst part of being a single woman is you have to take care of yourself.”

Single women and other issues will remain frowned upon in African countries until we all accept our responsibilities to help them come out from their nightmare. Once participants join our program, we will make sure that this educational centre will be the place where these women will gain self-confidence. We will build an environment where they will feel secure. Our role is to emancipate them and improve their standard of living. We will show them:

  1. How businesses function in terms of operations ,profit distribution among members,

  2. How to attract customers and how to interact with them.

  3. Once, they have diversified skills. We will changed their view of the world in positive way their ability to save and their overall value

  4. We will teach them how to defend their rights in their different communities

  5. We will teach skills which will make them able to have creativity and innovative ideas.

Remember, women are the pillars of the society. Failing to support them will make our society very weak. We have to provide them assistance, care and security. Our project is going to be the role model in the continent. After Eritrea, we are going to implement it in others African countries where single women are suffering. By the grace of God, we will eradicate extreme poverty among single women considered as vulnerable in their society and we will assist their progress. We will follow them until we get satisfaction that our mission is accomplished.

6. The project description

a. Goal

Our main goal is to help those single women so that they can be able to learn something from the program and take care of themselves and their families. It is in one word to make them independent. With this program they will be able to support their families and increase their income, they have to be able to know their right and defend themselves. Educating women guarantees a better generation, therefore it will improve the economy of the country and its social welfare.

b. Objectives

The single women program will involve 50 women selected from different background without any discrimination. They are going to get involve in many activities and learn as much as possible during the six months. The program will be divided in two phases, there will be some programs for just one month because those programs are theory based and do not require practical learning. In addition, there will be practical programs where they will have to learn and practice at the same time. All courses are optional excluding English and how to improve lifestyle are compulsory courses due to their importance, since Eritrea is a country with three official languages: English, Arabic and Tigrinya. English is considered one of important languages in workplace. Therefore, how to improve lifestyle course directly meet our main goal which is improving their daily lifestyle.

Phase 1 of the program: duration one month

  1. Leadership and communication skills to help them to able to take the lead and to facilitate them to work in group when necessary to achieve a common goal. And will help them when addressing audience by expressing themselves very well and share their point of view when necessary; 30 women will be chosen for this program.

  2. The course on lifestyle is to help them improve their lifestyle and they will be learning how to do so because we think that the condition they are living in has to be changed that is the reason this program will be given to all the 50 women.

Phase 2 of the program: duration six months

  1. All of the fifty women will be taking English course for the six months because we assume that most of them did not go to school, they just have some basic words in English so this program will help them to improve it.

  2. 5 women will be involve in sewing

  3. 10 women will be involve in beauty salon and make up

  4. We think that it is important for them to learn the basic of computer skills. So 5 women will be involved in this program.

To make this program successful we are getting the help of 6 local volunteers on the ground who speaks the Eritrean language (Tigrinya) so with our different experiences we will be able to make this program successful in a near future. We hope that at the end of this program at least 50% of the single women will achieve what we are expecting when we took the initiative to help them which is improving their lifestyle, increase their income and depend on themselves.

c. Methods/Strategies and Activities

To achieve the requirement of our objectives and start our project nine major steps to be taken:

1)      Provide Licenses for the courses

Providing licenses is the most important step to start up our program. Therefore, licensed courses will provide a secure future for our participant because of the importance of the certificate to their career.

2)      Rent the Building

The targeted building is located is at the city centre of Asmara which is a perfect location and convenient to our participants since all public buses stops there meaning it has low cost transportation fees. It consists of seven big rooms that can be used as classrooms and staff offices. Moreover, the building’s perfect location and structure has a low cost comparing to others which makes it the perfect place for our project.

3)      Buy necessary equipment

Buying the necessary equipment and preparing the venue such as: Printers, Ink, A4 papers, Study chairs with table top, Desktop, Chairs, Computer tables, English books: learning and practice, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, White board, Markers, Sewing machines, Make up kit, Hair dryer and brush kit.

4)      Staff recruitment

The project needs four expert staff for Sewing, English course, Beauty salon and Make – Up and Computer skills. Who holds bachelor certificate in these courses to establish our courses in good hands and provide the best education for them. However, the rest of the courses are handled by volunteers and the main project leaders who are willing to give their full support to make this program successful.

5)      Registration

We will approach different women association to get information about the single-women who are mostly in need of our courses. Therefore, the selection is based on the level of their need and interest of our offered programs. As a result, fifty single-women will be selected among all.

6)      Program opening ceremony

The opening ceremony is a one day whereby the selection of courses are made, staff; volunteers and project leaders are introduced to the participants. Moreover, a brief explanations about the organization and the courses provided.

7)      Start courses

This is the day that the program is officially launched. The program is based on six main activities to be held to achieve our objectives which are focused on single women’s daily life development therefore, to depend on themselves, increase their income, support their families, to know their rights, be able to defend themselves. In addition, in the long run of the project the development of the country’s social welfare and economy. We provide short courses classes for the sake of convenience for the woman to fit the courses time to other commitments. They are held only in daytime.

I.            Sewing skills:

This course is to help to be familiar with basics of the sewing machine, get confident handling a machine, and develop a range of related skills. The course duration is six months for only five single-women per course.

The course includes:

  1. Looking at different needles and threads suitable for fabric types

  2. Standard stitches

  3. Seaming curved edges

  4. Straight edges and gathered edges together

  5. Various seam types including: French seams and flat fell seams

  6. Simple buttonholes

  7. Topstitching

It is a practical course that is applied by learning and practicing at the same time. Since learning sewing only theoretically is not possible and not effective.

II.            Leadership and Communication skills:

The course of leadership skills is to help to enhance confidence, take the lead and work in a group for a common goal. It also focuses on the different aspects of communication such as the language uses, body language and facial expression. That can help the participants to express themselves freely and share their opinions effectively. The course duration is one month and has thirty (30) available seats.

The course includes:

  1. Building a communication foundation

  2. Engaging and leading teams

  3. Management competency

  4. Conflicts resolutions

  5. Dealing with different opinions

  6. Public speaking

It is theory and practical course that bases on theories and applying what has been learnt in class by tasks to be accomplished such as group projects, campaigns and speeches.

III.            English course:

The course basically gives an opportunity to learn English language and expand the knowledge of the English language. It is an intensive English program that starts from the basics of the language to higher levels from Beginners, Elementary, Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate level. It helps to develop reading, writing and speaking skills in order to communicate in workplace and the worldwide. The duration of the course is six months and is considered as one of the compulsory courses of the project to all (50) woman.

This course includes:

  1. Basics of English Language

  2. Grammar and Vocabulary

  3. Reading, Writing , Speaking and Listening

It is a totally based on theories and exercises in the classroom. The course requires communication between all participants and the teacher in English in order to obtain easier adaptation to the language.

IV.            How to improve lifestyle course:

This course has a brief ideas and knowledge on how to improve lifestyle which will provide information on how the participant can improve their daily lives, what they should do and what they should not, and gives them ideas where to start and motivate them. The duration of the course is one month and is a compulsory course to all (50) woman involved the program.

This course includes:

  1. Personal experiences sharing

  2. Business skills

  3. Time management

  4. Income management

It is group discussion based course that allows the participants and the teacher to involve in discussions on different likewise their experiences and opinions.

V.            Beauty salon and make-up skills:

This course helps to be creative and confident with hair styling as well as make-up. It gives the most important skills needed in the business field especially to those who are interested to start a beauty salon business or be an employed in this field. It is six month course that has only five (5) available seats.

This course includes:

  1. What is beauty?

  2. Make-Up :

  3. The role of the beauty make-up artist

  4. Skin and skincare

  5. Working with make-up artist brushes

  6. Skin tone / foundation selection and application

  7. Corrective make-up techniques

  8. Beauty make-up styles

  9. Eye make-up and Eye line techniques

  10. Brow grooming

  11. Lash building techniques and false lash application

  12. Cheek and Lip color application

  13. Current beauty trends

  14. Hair Styling:

  15. Preparation of hair

  16. Products and styling equipment

  17. Blow-drying techniques

  18. Braiding

  19. Traditional techniques for hair including  wedding hair

  20. Tips for working in the industry

This is a practical course that provides a direct demonstration that helps to improve the skills easily compared to just reading about it.

VI.            Computer skills course:

Computers skills course is very important course due to the fast development in technology world that imposed the importance of computer skills. The course helps to learn the basics of computer skills that are needed in daily life and most of workplaces. The duration of the course is six months and has only (5) available seats.

This course includes:

  1. Introduction to computers and internet

  2. Microsoft Office such as: Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Access

  3. Internet Connections

  4. Creating E-mails and accounts

It is a practical course on the computers. It is based on lecture and direct exercises in the classroom.

Below a timetable is provided that shows the order and sequence of each course, we prefer all our courses to be at the day time for our participants comfort. In addition, the compulsory courses has a fixed timing in the morning which is (9:00 am – 12:00 pm) because it is the most suitable timing for all participants who has other commitments likewise children to be able to come after their children are in school or are able to leave them in the daycare or with another family member.


(9:00 am – 12 pm)

(2:00 pm – 5:00 pm)

MondayEnglish Course-Sewing- Beauty salon and Make – Up

TuesdayHow to improve lifestyle CourseComputer skills Course

WednesdayEnglish Course-Sewing-Beauty salon and Make  – Up

ThursdayLeadership and Communication skillsComputer skills Course

FridayEnglish Course-Sewing-Beauty Salon and Make – Up

8)      Program closing ceremony

The program closing ceremony includes certificate giving to all the participants who have completed their respective courses.

9)      Evaluation

The last step is evaluation by a consultant who is going to be the main observer of everything related to our program and at the end reports will handed to evaluate whether the program has met the main objectives or not and the percentage of success and failure in order to have better performance and improve the weaknesses.

d. Time Frame

Year 1

ActivityMonth 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6Month 7Month 8RemarksActivity 1

×Activity 2

×Activity 3

×Activity 4

×Activity 5

×Activity 6

×Activity 7






×Activity 8


Activity 9










e. Performance Indicators

  1. Process indicators:

Our educational centre involved fifty single-women participants. Who are divided to some compulsory courses and optional courses based on the availability of the seats.

  1. Product indicators:

From our program we expect all women to be aware of their rights depend on themselves, be able to defend it and know how to improve their lifestyle.  We expect at least 50% of these women to gain skills that will help them to start a successful career and better future throughout these skills.

f. Results

After our training program, these women role in their community will change significantly. They will have more opportunities and be well prepared to face challenges. The skills they will get from our main courses will make them able to have a positive impact in their society. Our first goal is that these women will graduate with full knowledge. Increased income controlled by women gives the self-confidence, which helps them to obtain a voice. The need of the hour is to bring these uneducated and unemployed women into financial mainstream, helping them become savers for their families and expanding their decision making. One of our short term outcomes will be empowering them, teaching them their rights and how to demand it. As we all know, when we empower a woman, we empower a family; major influence is on the children, thus the society. So empowerment of women will give new workforce to society. After that, we will focus on developing the potential of this new workforce. This revolution cannot be imposed without your support. It can only be encouraged through support for leadership figures that are emerging in every type of society. This encouragement is our mission. We would like to see as our first result the improvement of their welfare.

Moreover, the participants will lead a campaign of awareness to inform others single women. They will motivate thousand of them to join our program in order to be financially independent. Strong communication will be established between the women bodies and associations whose role is confined on suggesting recommendations for the concerned departments. Promoting their leadership qualities and they will apply it in their native areas. They will be well mobilized in their collective potential to solve their issues. We will promote and encourage the local committees to involve them in the community administration so they can participate in their community development.

Although the government has signed a number of laws to assist in improving the lives of women throughout Eritrea, the implementation of laws takes time. It requires efforts on behalf of the government and by the people. Changes are slow and as a result, despite civil society efforts, women still face a number of challenges to gaining social, political and economic equality with men. We can be powerful partners with government in bringing a transformative push for improvement to these women’s life. Human rights in Eritrea are viewed as poor. Eritrea is a one-party state in which national legislative elections have been repeatedly postponed. The judiciary is weak, and constitutional provisions protecting individual freedom have yet to be fully implemented. The Government of Eritrea has been accused of arbitrary arrest and detentions of people without charge for their political activism by human rights association. Freedom of speech and the press are severely constrained while freedom of assembly, association, movement, and religion also are restricted. Human rights defenders risk their jobs, their freedom and their very lives to combat injustice. Violence against women is a human rights scandal. The experience or threat of violence affects the lives of women everywhere. We will work with the government and human right groups to promote and protect the rights of these women, through the full implementation of all human rights instruments, especially the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Action has to be taken. Ensure equality and non-discrimination under the law and in practice. The gap between the existence of rights and their effective enjoyment derives from a lack of commitment by Eritrean Governments to protect those rights and the failure of Governments to inform women and society alike about them. In order to protect the human rights of these women, it is necessary to avoid, as far as possible, resorting to reservations and to ensure that no reservation is incompatible with the object and purpose of our vision and mission.

g. Staffing/ Administration

The project consists of three main leaders: Huria Ahmidu, Maimouna Sylla and Zainoul Abidine Sanoussy Junior. The leaders are going to work hand in hand to the success of the project based on their knowledge and experiences. Moreover, Huria is the direct contact between the leaders and the community itself since she is from Eritrea. Maimouna is responsible for the project outcomes and results, due to her experiences regarding women’s rights and social welfare. Lastly, Zainoul Abidine is responsible for financial management due to his experience and successful career in finance field. There leaders are going to be fully engaged with the project process. Below is a brief background about each leader:

  1. Huria Ahmidu Hamde (Eritrea)

Background: Eritrean lady who grew up in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and continued her higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Has a leadership experiences, expert in communication skills, computer skills and speaks English. Inspired and committed to implementing knowledge gained to improving her society especially single women who are in a real need of help.

  1. Maimouna Sylla (Guinea)

Background: Grew up in Conakry, Guinea and continued her higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Is an expert in women’s rights and welfare, social affairs and speaks English fluently.  Improving the lifestyle of African women who are vulnerable and in a massive need of education in order to obtain their rights and defending themselves is her passion.

  1. Zainoul Abidine Sanoussy Junior (Guinea)

Background: Born and raised in Conakry, Guinea and continued his higher education in Malaysia at Albukhary international university (AiU), in the field of Banking&Finance. Is an expert in MicroFinance, social business and speaks English fluently. Creating new opportunities to the needy and vulnerable people and sharing knowledge and experiences learned throughout his educational period is the main goal.

Moreover, there are four staffs who are employed as part-time job in the educational centre as teachers.

  1. Tahir Ibrahim

Qualification:  Masters in English language and literature. He is employed in British council for three years now.

Responsibility: Tahir Ibrahim will be the main part-time teacher for the English course.

  1. Khalid Taha

Qualification:  Masters in computer systems networking and telecommunications. He is self employed at his own shop in the city center of Asmara.

Responsibility: The main part- time teacher of Computer skills.

  1. Khairia Adem

Qualification:  An expert consultant and professional adviser in women association activities and programs since 2001.

Responsibility: Full-time project consultant who will be handling reporting and evaluation.

  1. Amel Sami

Qualification: An expert tailor and professional in sewing and designing. Owns her own shop called “Professional Tailor” which is one of the most famous shops in Eritrea.

Responsibility: A part-time teacher for sewing course.

Besides the staff, there are six local volunteers who has impressive qualification and are passionate to help and make the program successful.

  1. Salman Hamde (Eritrea – local)

Qualification: has a bachelor degree in nursing and master certificate in Effective communication skills and Social business. He is currently living in Asmara, Eritrea working in Orota hospital and has the full potential to part-time volunteer for this project.

Responsibility: He will be teaching in leadership and communication skills.

  1. Michael Manna (Eritrea – local)

Qualification: has a bachelor degree in English Literature in USA. He is currently living in Asmara, working as an English teacher in “Asmara English School” since 2001. In addition, owns a personal business – Cafeteria in the city centre of Asmara.

Responsibility: He will be a second teacher for the English course.

  1.  Yohanna Yemane (Eritrea – local)

Qualification: a successful lady who is an expert in sewing and designing. She is currently working as a designer in “Nakfa” which is a local brand. She is a single woman who went through many challenges to achieve her success and independency. She is a great opportunity to approach the single women and share her experiences and motivate them to work harder for their rights.

Responsibility: She will be helping in teaching Sewing skills.

  1. Saba Haile (Eritrea – Local)

Qualification: a successful business woman who owns one of the best beauty salon in Asmara named by her name “Saba Salon”. She is an expert in hair styling and makeup, leadership and speaks English fluently.

Responsibility: Saba will be the course leader of beauty salon and make up skills due to her successful career in this field.

  1. Selmaweet Isyas (Eritrea – Local)

Qualification: has a bachelor degree in computer science from Oxford University. She has settled currently in Eritrea for a new career in Telecommunication and has volunteerism experience in a in Sematat secondary school Asmara university for Computer skills courses.

Responsibility: She will be helping in teaching computer skills.

  1. Selam Hagos  (Eritrea – Local)

Qualification: a successful business woman who has made a lot of effort to voice out women’s rights in the country. She has done many campaigns to encourage women to be independent and think for themselves and women’s rights awareness programs.

Responsibility: She will be teaching the course of how to improve lifestyle.

h. Monitoring/Evaluating/Reporting/Documentation

In order to make sure that our project is being successfully implemented to reach our main goal and objectives, evaluation of the project must be done very carefully. Therefore, the project must have a solid project management and controlling of the activities. This can be accomplished by building effective evaluation framework for the project which can help in identifying problems and resolve these problems productively. Our evaluation framework provides:

1. A clear analysis of project inputs leading to outputs for purposes that supports our goals.

2. Specification of costs for project activities.

3. Objectively verifiable indicators of performance and sources of verification.

4. Specification of the key assumptions or risks underlying the project.

5. A framework for introducing lessons learned to be incorporated in future projects.

Moreover, the three main leaders will play a huge role in evaluating the progress and outcomes of the project. In addition, of Miss Khairia Adem the full-time consultant of the program who is going to provide reports and advises for better inputs that lead to the best outcomes.

i. Sustainability

We all agree that progress in achieving sustainable development goals has been abysmally slow. In the 21st century, we are confronted with economic, environmental and social crises on a global scale. The three pillars of our sustainable development is leadership, business skills and communication skills. The conditions under which these single women have been participating in the development process have not enabled them to enhance their capacity to utilize their physical and intellectual energies in promoting sustainable development. Our project will also focus in how to raise fund for them to start their business.

Flexibility is most successful when it is embedded at the heart of the business, available to all staff including from the point of recruitment. Trainers should look at what opportunities this program offers. Trainers need to commit time and attention to supporting managers to accomplish our mission and embedding culture change, as well as implementing specific skills. In the longer term, it is important for us to take the time to make sure that these women are well trained to train others. The sustainability of this project is vital in order to make these women more powerful and our commitment and those who will come out well trained will help the rest of the women. There is a need to build on the ongoing shift towards our volunteerism to deliver more opportunities for skilling up to support entry into sustainable jobs with opportunities for progression. The project must ensure it genuinely delivers on its commitment to provide tailored support for all these women seeking for job. The project will provide information and campaign on key aspects of the welfare system as they affect single women. It will be a longstanding goal of our organization to ensure single women get the help and support they need in order to move into employment. Once our main goal is achieved, it will bring a huge impact and positive change in these women life and their surroundings.

7. Budget

a. Statement of projected expenses:

 The projected expenses and costs of the items, bills and rental are converted from Eritrean Nakfa (currency) to Malaysian Ringgit. However, These are the necessary expenses and for the folloing reasons:

1-      Rent of the place to conduct our activities for six months.

2-      Electricity bills for the six months.

3-      Printers, Ink and A4 papers for courses necessary lessons or exercises and for the staff use.

4-      Internet expenses for the computer skills course that teaches the basics of internet and for the staff use.

5-      Study chairs with table top provided for the participants.

6-      Desktop for computer skills course.

7-      Chairs for the staff and volunteers use.

8-      Computer tables for computer skills class.

9-      English books: learning and practice books for English language course.

10-   Pen, Pencil and Eraser for the participants use.

11-  White board and markers for teachers to explain the lessons effectively.

12-  Sewing machines for sewing course.

13-  Make up kit, Hair dryer and Brush kit for beauty salon and make – up course.

14-  Personal cost: travelling tickets for the project leaders since none of them is living in Eritrea.

15-  Staff and consultant salaries who are engaged in the project.

DescriptionPrice per unitNumber neededModel Total Rent of the placeRM 510.6 per month6 monthsRM 3063.6Electricity billsRM 141.866 monthsRM 851.2PrintersRM 3392Canon MP145RM 678InkRM 2010Canon ink tank 33 BCI3eRM 200A4 papersRM 320Double ARM 60InternetRM 200 per month6 monthsRM 1200Study chairs with table topRM 10550RM 5250DesktopRM 13505Amd AthlonX2 3.4ghzRM 6750ChairsRM 6510RM 650Computer tablesRM 2005RM 1000English book: learning and practiceRM 11550RM 5750PenRM 755 boxesRM 375PencilRM 505 boxesRM 250EraserRM 505 boxesRM 250White boardRM 33524×8 ft white boardRM 670MarkersRM 8100RM 800Sewing machinesRM 25005Industrial sewing machinesRM 12500Make up kitRM 5510RM 550Hair dryerRM 1705RM 850Brush kitRM 3010RM 300Traveling ticketRM 30003 personsRM 9000Staff salariesRM 199.313 personsRM 598.11ConsultantRM 220.351 personRM 220.35TotalRM 53,516.26

b. Budget narrative:

In this budget all the prices are from the local market of Malaysia, we choose it necessary to get the exact price of the product and we compared the prices to choose the good product at the lowest cost possible. All the product listed are necessary for our program to be successful we did not include any product or expense that we are not going to use, the only uncertain point is an estimation on the flight ticket cost which can change due to the seasons. The product cost also can change but we are not sure if it is going to have a big impact.

8. Organizational Information

Social welfare Development board of directors

Social Welfare Development is non-governmental organization that aims to improve the welfare of the Eritrean society in many aspects. It was founded in 2003 in Asmara, Eritrea.

Social Welfare Development 0021, Liberation Avenue, Asmara, Eritrea Tel: + 291 715 8784 – Fax: +291 123 3311 Email:

Through the years we have got many experience in running different project, we are now looking forward into implementing a new project to improving the lifestyle of Eritrean Single Women by offering them different courses.

This organization was founded with the aim of seeing the life of necessary people changing with the different challenges. With the trust of our donors made it possible for us to keep moving and achieve what we have done until now.

The vision and mission of our organization is to ensure a sustainable living for the people of Eritrea by motivating them to get involved in some activities of learning how to build their own businesses and to assure a better education for the young generation.

Some details of the volunteers:

  1. Rashid Toure holding a degree from university of Columbia, he has been involve in many social activities with different NGOs.

  2. Habib Rogo a university student who has an impressive passion to volunteering.

The volunteers that have been joining us found that our vision and mission were good and so they proposed to help. Most of our volunteers are university students and sometime jobless but who have some experience in some sectors. Our initiatives did not start because we had resources to help the people of Eritrea, we started with no resources but with the help of our donors many project were achieved especially in helping women and children education.

With the commitment of our board of director to see the success of the projects, they fixed as objective that we cannot help everyone at the same time but slowly and with patience we can make a difference.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, our project mission is to provide single women in distress with tools and resources to move from crisis and poverty to stability and self-sufficient, thereby promoting this project will make a difference. Our vision is for Eritrean single women to live in a changed world with integrity, peace, prosperity, respect and free of any oppression. In this context, we are aiming to improve self-employment and self-confidence for these women. The project will facilitate the creation of an educational center in the capital city for single women. Our first target will be fifty women from 18 to 60 years old from the poorest and excluded communities.

The project will provide a comprehensive package of services that includes the following components: in classroom skills training, on-the-job training, and an exit strategy. The first component, in-classroom training, consists of an array of courses from cognitive to non-cognitive skills. Cognitive skills involve teaching and training on        seven skills: sewing, salons skills, communication skills, business skills, English, leadership and computer skills. Trainees will select one of these trades according to their expertise and preference. In addition to these courses, project participants will be followed up by us and we will try to raise fund to help them to start their respective business. The second component, on-the-job training consists of a two week internship in local business where participants will acquire real experience in their respective skills. The last component, an exit strategy, will facilitate the implementation of the trainer’s entrepreneurial initiatives and smooth their transition out of the project. The strategy consists of start-up loans and mentoring services that will be awarded upon completion of the training components, a final examination, and the presentation of their skills plan. Startup loans will be distributed to groups of at least twenty five women, organized in a cooperative manner. They will receive mentoring and we follow up visits for at least three months to ensure a successful beginning.  After everything, we will organize an award giving ceremony. We will provide them with certificates which made them able to pursue their dream.

10. References

(n.d.). Retrieved from

Haile, T (2013). Retrieved from

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