Panel Discussion Proposal
Moderator: Samaha Hussain
Irufa Ahmed Ibrahim
Aminath Afra
Aminath Rashida
Saruwaan Mohamed
Topic: No human trafficking; A world free of slavery
General Outline: Even though human trafficking is a globally leading crime victimizing millions of innocent people, the responsible authorities have failed to take a significant action in reducing this modern day slavery.
Questions and Points covered by each Panellist
1. Irufa Ahmed Ibrahim
How effective are the governments’/authorities’ in reducing human trafficking and why they cannot stop the growth of human trafficking?
– What are the steps government has taken so far
– The facts governments are not able to take sufficient steps to control human trafficking
– Why government is not effective in reducing human trafficking
2. Aminath Afra
How big is the problem of human trafficking in the world and in which areas are these problems worst?
– Statistics of some countries
– The problems of human trafficking
3. Aminath Rashida
What is the role of NGO’s in reducing human trafficking and what are the challenges faced?
– NGO’s working against human trafficking
– NGO’s role in the reduction of human trafficking
– How NGOs help – Challenges of NGOs
4. Saruwaan Mohamed
What are the causes of human trafficking and how do the traffickers victimize them?
– Causes of human trafficking: victims ( why they are affected) and traffickers ( why they do that)
– Methods of captivating (different ways of trafficking)