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Human Trafficking – A serious crime

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham

Table of Contents 1.1 Title – Human Trafficking a Heinous Crime 1.2 Introduction 1.3 Thesis statement 1.4 Arguments Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 1.5 Conclusion 1.6 References ======================================================================================

1.1 Human Trafficking a serious crime

1.2 Introduction

Human trafficking is one of the most scandalous crimes happening now. People were told that the slavery ended in the nineteenth century. But, unfortunately, hundred and fifty (150) years later, the struggling to end this crime has not been over yet. In today’s society this has taken another name, as a form of slavery, but it is still the same humiliation of human dignity around the world. Over decades, majority of the states have stood up against human trafficking. Human trafficking is an illegal way of trading people, in the same way as the drug dealers’ work. Human trafficking violates the human rights of the trafficked persons who are exploited, beaten and often killed. This issue has been the contemporary international and domestic security agenda since 1990. We have to fight against human trafficking. The statistics of rape, child, and women trafficking are terrifying. How many women are there who wish to have a normal life? How many children are being cut in pieces to take their organs and sell it as it was a piece of cloth?

1.3 Thesis Statement

Human trafficking destroys lives and its effects damage communities. The transport and exploitation of vulnerable men, women and children is something that no civilized country should allow. Human trafficking is a phenomenon that indicates the selling and buying of human beings as property through the use of recruiters, forced into prostitution, and labor trafficking.

1.4 Arguments

Argument 1

Human trafficking is an issue that designates the sales and purchase of human beings as property through the use of recruiters. An enormous number of people are victims of human trafficking within a country. Recruiters establish first contacts with victims. They give false promises and empty vows to seduce victims. They look like people who can be trusted and not gangsters that are easily identified. Recruiters are very creative in the way they lure victims. They may offer to help financially or provide travel documents. Sometimes they also put fake ads for fake agencies or through companies that offer very good opportunities. They go where they can decide cabins university offices for business advice. They can approach the women in the bar or coffee and pretend that they know times to earn money abroad.

Moreover, some of the recruiters are women (it is possible that they are victims too), people who offer new jobs, the cause of studying abroad, casting agencies, neighbors, friends, family and so on. Accordingly, they offer new jobs within the country, working as waitress, model, dancer, tour guide, film production and unfortunately these are some of the factors that attract some of the young girls who may be the victims. HM Government Secretary May states in her article that “Victims may travel to the UK willingly, in the belief that they are destined for a better life, including paid work and may start their journey believing they are economic migrants, either legally or illegally. They may also believe that the people arranging their passage and papers are merely facilitators, helping with their journey, rather than people who aim to exploit them. In other cases, victims may start their journey independently and come to rely on facilitators along different stages of their journey to arrange papers and transportation.”

Argument 2

Trafficking in women is fueled by racist fantasies and greed of Western men who spend their money on prostitution. Low social status of women, discrimination against women separated, widowed or raped and their situation (no employment or training opportunities, poverty), which has deteriorated over the socio-economic changes of recent years. All these factors contribute to keeping the foot of this horrible trade. Most of the victims of human trafficking are women and girls. These victims can be found in street prostitution. They are forced to provide sexual services to the customers and earn money from them. Miko (2000) claims that “the sexual exploitation of women and children in the Middle East tends to involve the import of women from other regions.” He also states that in some countries like Thailand and Philippines are imported to other Middle Eastern countries. In his article about trafficking in women and children says that “According to the Israel Women’s Network, every year several hundred to 2000 women from Russia and the former Soviet Union are brought to Israel by well-organized criminal groups.”

For years, the commercial sex trade has been highly profitable for the victimizers. According to Tiwari (2012), “The red light district in Bombay generates at least $400 million per annum in revenue, with 100000 prostitutes serving 365 days a year, at the average rate of 6 customers per day at $2 each”. Other countries rates include around 1.2 million children who are involved in prostitution as victims of human trafficking. Moreover, victims that are forced into commercial sex are trained to lie to the police, and present themselves as independent prostitutes. Victims are obliged to lie because of the fear of the “pimp” or their observant. They are threatened that their families will be harmed, which is a psychological and emotional abuse for the victim. Victims are expected to gain a very high quota per night, around $500 to $1000 or more, and all this money is taken by the controller. Typically, constantly threaten women and girls remain pregnant, die due to birth, and get sexual diseases followed as HIV / AIDS.

Argument 3

Not only international, but domestic servitude is considered a form of labor trafficking. Labor trafficking is the harboring, provision, or obtaining of a person for services, through the use of force or coercion to serve in a form of slavery or involuntary. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy said that “The essence of all slaveries consists in taking the product of another’s labor, by force.” Victims are threatened, and violently forced to work against their will in many fields. Additional forms of labor trafficking include people to work by force in homes as domestic servants. Children appear to be the most affected victims of this form of labor trafficking. They are held in dark and unethical inhuman places, with only a little food. In some wealthier countries, the victims may be found in any industry with low demand or lack of monitoring. According to the Washington State Task Force against Trafficking of Humans, victims of labor trafficking may be found in “small businesses as well as large-scale industries dominated by multinational corporations.”

Furthermore, throughout the world streets are full with peddlers and beggers who are victims of trafficking. Whether hidden from public view in fields, in kitchens, in sweatshops, or on job sites, labor trafficking has earned the nickname. Child labor is another form of forced labor that affects the children all around the world. The International Labor Organization estimates worldwide that there are 246 million exploited children aged between 5 and 17 involved in debt bondage, forced recruitment for armed conflict, prostitution, pornography, the illegal drug trade, the illegal arms trade and other illicit activities around the world. Lantos (2012) states that “”when we look at the scale of the problem—the ILO tells us that around the world 21 million people are victims of forced labor—we realize that the future of this struggle will depend on new innovations and fresh approaches.” These victims are often kept in hidden places, to prevent them to get help from their relatives. They are watched under the supervision of rigorous people, who beat them brutally. If the victims are caught across the international borders, there is a chance that they might be blackmailed, or threaten to report them to the authorities.

Last but not least, when an employee uses force or fraud in order to compel the persons to perform household labor against their will is another form of labor trafficking. Workers are occasionally vulnerable to exploitation as a result of their exclusion from some legal law protections. The 2008 Reauthorization of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act created procedures specifically designed to protect the rights of holders of diplomatic domestic worker visas including requiring written contracts for all such workers, requiring the Department of State to implement various provisions to monitor the conditions of domestic workers, and requiring the “Secretary of State to suspend the issuance of such visas to all diplomatic personnel of some countries.”

1.5 Conclusion

Trafficking in people is WRONG – one of the most shocking ways where abused basic human rights – thought that slavery is part of the past. Lives are being destroyed by this crime. Women are being exploited and their future is lost in dark places. Victims of trafficking for forced labor are losing their freedom. This has become a modern way of slavery. Maybe today we are safe but millions of people around the world are victimized. Today it happens to someone else, tomorrow it might happen to me, the next time you may be a victim to. We have to stand together against human trafficking and fight against it.

1.6 References

William, W. (2008). “Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008”. Retrieved on April 4, 2013 from

Lantos, T. (2012). “International Human Trafficking and Forced Labor”. U.S. Department of State: Diplomacy in Action. Retrieved March 29, 2013 from

Washington State Office of the Attorney General (2012). Labor Trafficking. Retrieved on April 4, 2013 from

Miko, T.F. (2000). “Trafficking in Women and Children: The U.S. and International Response”. Congressional Research Service Report 98-649 C. Retrieved April 3, 2013 from

Tiwari, G. (2012). “Human Trafficking and Prostitution in India”. A Contrario. Retrieved April 3, 2012 from

May, Th. (2011). Human Trafficking: The government’s strategy. The National Archives. Retrieved on April 3, 2013 from

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