On this lecture day, we had a continuation lecture about Conflicts. The lecture was about religious conflicts, irredentism and separatism, terrorism, non-violent alternatives. I enjoyed this lecture as it had increased my knowledge about conflicts. Conflicts happen every now and then in the universe and learning about conflicts help us to come up with resolutions. I think that this was a wisely chosen topic because conflicts are inevitable in our daily lives. The lecturer gave us numerous definitions about conflicts and the types of conflicts mentioned above. In my opinion conflicts happen due to the nature of the human perceptions though at times it is collective perception caused by many factors such as communal aspects.
This was the first time I learnt about the word irredentism. It is the proposition that one state should annex the territory of another based on the common ethnicity of the people living in the two regions. I was interested to learn this word because in my country we have a case of separatism. Some regions of my country want to have autonomy and become a country of their own. Religion and conflict is a controversial issue. In local as well as national contexts, religion can be seen as both the cause of conflicts and an important tool for conflict resolution. This double role has become even more pertinent after September 11th. A multidimensional approach to religion becomes necessary in order to understand the role of religion as a major force for integration or marginalization.
I have learnt a lot in this lecture because these topics that were discussed were essential topics that happen every day. Conflicts happen all the time and it’s not always about who, how or what started conflicts but finding resolutions for the conflicts is more important. I believe that every community strives for peace and would like to live together with the rest harmoniously so if people hold hands and do good deeds together then the world will be a better place for everyone.