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Panel Discussion Report 31: Article #6 of human right: “You have right no matter where you go”

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham
  1. Overview of the points discussed

One of the major problems of this beautiful world is human right abuse or in other word failure to protect human right in this present world; some of us might be victim of human right abuse, some of us might have seen around and some of us might ignored thinking that it is not their personal problem. Human right is the basic right that every human entitle as being human. Similarly, UNO has published 30 main articles of human right that everyone deserved to entitle as being human. Based on these 30 articles of human right me and my group members came up to bring the issue of article #6 of human right on the discussion table that is “You have right no matter where you go”. Here the question arises Are we getting our right fully? Why we cannot enjoy our rights no matter where we go?

However, in this modern age human right abuse is highly increasing and we cannot achieve our all rights where ever we go in other words there are some factors or circumstances that affects enjoy our rights.

Overall, I and my group members were glad to choose this issue of article #6 of human right as topic for our panel discussion in civil society class and which would not be possible without the effective support from our lecture Mr John Britto. On the behalf of my group I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr John Britto and management of AIU for organizing valuable subject like civil society as university course.

Regarding the over view of the point discussed, we had four panellist and one moderator. All though, we had only 5 minutes per each panellist to present; we tried our best to discuss the real issue of about the article #6 of human right. At first, Miss A bi Dah talked about the fundamental rights of all human being. She further touched to the interesting point saying that if non-citizens are willing to follow the country’s laws, they should be entitled to the same rights as everyone else in the country. Secondly, Miss Shanaz Thaha shared her experience being as a foreigner in Malaysia with both negative and positive sides. Continue with that, Miss Sharifa Hasim argues about the articles #6 of human right saying that foreigners are always discriminated in foreign land based on race, nationality, job opportunities etc. Lastly, I my shelf shared my thoughts that human right is not fully universal rather it is relativism. It is because there are certain factors and circumstances that affects to implement human right where ever we go. Overall we had an effective discussion which also sounds more contradictory and it leads to interesting discussion due to the effective control by the moderator Miss. Kanita.

2.  The process

There were all five girls in our group. As we were given chance to select our group members, we chose our members from different nations such as:  A bi dah from Vietnam, Kanita from Cambodia, Sharifa Hasim from Kenya, Shanaz Thaha from Sri Lanka and I myself Dolma from Nepal. As far as possible we tried to make our group more diversified and I personally joined this group because I did not saw any of my country mates or roommates in this group as I want to work with all friends. Similarly, it was totally new experience and good time to work with this group.

Regarding the task division, at first we select one of our member Kanita as moderator because we thought that she can handle the discussion and she did it with effectively and efficiently. Beside that we divided our task based on our topics between us (four panellists). As our topic is all about the human right and its implementation in real life, I myself chose to talk about the role of civil societies and NGOs in particular nations especially to the third world country. Eventually, other members chose to talk about foreigner’s right in different part of the world, fundamental right of human in foreign land and how we can achieve our right no matter where we go.

However, some panellists talked against article #6 of human right and some strongly supported it. What I mean is that to some extend we can achieve our basic eight but in some situation we cannot achieve it. At the end of our discussion our moderator made the issue clear as crystal saying that all panellists are correct from their own sides because this situation is totally complementary.

3. The Implementation

To repeat again, our topic was very interesting to be discussed and we did our best to address our thoughts, ideas and experience regarding this issue. Main strength our discussion is that our all members are from diverse culture and nation that helps to provide diverse ideas with primary source of knowledge. Second strength could be that we presented visual aid that helps to drag the attention of audience. Besides that our moderator was also strong enough to control or run the discussion which automatically leads to smooth and flawless panel discussion.

As we know that strength also carries weakness along with it and we also do have some weakness during our discussion. To be honest some of our members were expressing their good thoughts and ideas but it could be much better if we could increase the level of our volume during the discussion. Similarly, I myself felt that I was a bit rushing while talking and I hope I will not repeat same mistakes again in future.

4. Learning/Reflection of the Panel Discussion

It was nice experience to work with my group, they all are really cooperative and I appreciate it. I learnt a lot from this panel discussion such as time management and team work. I got to know the deep meaning and detail of human right and how modern people abuse human right. As usual I feel that this type of academic activities help students to throughout their ideas which improves their public speaking and generates confidence level although it takes time to improve it. On the other way I can say that such type of academic activities creates the environment for students where they really learnt how to think and how to present their ideas in the public.  To add on that this panel discussion is not only the alternatives to improve public speaking, but it provides important benefits in dealing with the problems to generate effective solutions. Lastly, we took only one question because due to the limit of time we did not got chance to take more questions from floor.

5. Conclusion

I am not so sure whether we were able to touch the level of satisfaction of our lecturer or not but we did our best hopefully we will get fruitful result.  For sure we will improve our mistakes in the near future. Over all our panel discussion went successfully and we got some good comments from our mates and it was a nice experience as part of academic activities. I am really looking forward to do panel discussion in future carrying with livelihood topics that can benefit for both panellists and audience.


1. Pokhrel A. (2011), Human right awareness centre: Peace building Organisations, Nepal. Retrieved on 24th July 2013 from

  1. Shenker.A.D. The Challenge of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity: United back ground notes. Retrieved on 24th July 2013 from

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