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Panel discussion report 1: Women’s rights

Writer's picture: John B. ParisuthamJohn B. Parisutham

Panel Discussion Report


In my group for panel discussion were five members. These students in my group were me its means Nasridini Asliddin from Tajikistan, Ayu from Malaysia, Muzaffar from Uzbekistan, Sali Toure from Guinea, and Syakierah Anati from Malaysia. Our topic was Civil Society Should Promote Women’s Rights. My role in this panel discussion was as moderator which means as leading the group, handling program and so on.

Point discussed

During our panel presentation I think we were one of the groups which manage time to present it on time. And, I think the quality of presentation was high because it was one of the topics which are familiar to all. Moderator’s role in our Panel presentation was very good because moderator ask panelist little bit different question but panelist could answer it well. I think the panelist of this group was well prepared to discuss this issue.

I was as moderator and I start the topic by telling a short brief about history of women’s rights then I go to introduce the topic for today. Before asking panelists little bit I introduce the question by giving some facts then I ask question s. Take an example, about education I told about “799 million women are uneducated around the world”. About unemployment “Middle East women unemployment is high as 18.9% of women in the world”.  And, about property and security also was given as “Abusing women is disrespect to her” “Islam as religion of full gave rights of women in property and everything”.

The question which rose to Sali was about educations which are:

“What is the reason for not giving the rights of women for education?”

“Can civil society bring women’s rights for education? If  yes, how?”

Sali’s answer was direct and it was very clear which he said it is problem with culture and background and also civil society can help to overcome it by doing more workshop and to give the benefit of women’s education..

After that the question goes to Ayu and she answered question about property for women.

“Is there any religion which does not give women’s rights?”

“Why in most of the countries the rights for property given to man rather than women?”

The main answer which she gave was about property should be given to women and she talked about religion of Islam which give all rights of women. And some other points which she gave during panel discussion.

Muzaffar’s questions were about employing women.

“Are there any NGOs which focused on women’s employment?”

“How to change the mind of men is regarding employment of women?”

He answered by saying that there are some NGOs which is helping and he gave some example of it. Then he mentioned that the most important is for men’s mind changing regarding women’s employment is education. If we gave them education, they will understand everything.

Last panelist was Syakirah and she talked about security of women.

“Why currently men are not protecting women?”

“Is there any civil society or organizations which support women’s’ rights?

She replied these questions as types of violence which are rape, abused, not giving them right for anything to women and also gave some examples from Italy. Also the example which occurred last year in India which happened to a girl in the bus some guys raped her.

The implementation

Our choice of group has started by me, Syakirah Anati and Muzaffar. Lecturer gives us chance to select our group mate. Therefore, I and Syakirah started to select our group mates. We wanted to choose our group as much as we can international and we did it. Therefore, in our group there were from 4 different countries. Moreover, we choose our group mates those person which we know how their ability to work in a group. We knew each other before; therefore our group was the best one ever. After choosing our group there was a bit difficult to choose our topic. We wanted to choose a topic which encourages audience to enjoy and should not get bored. Therefore, we choose women’s rights but our Lecturer Mr. John Brito came and gave us an idea to choose Civil Society Should Promote Women’s Rights and we agreed on it. After that we discuss, who should take which part of the topic to talk about. Sali selected a point about women’s have right for education, Muzaffar chose women’s employments right and then they select me as moderator for panel discussion. Ayu was giving property rights for women and Syakirah Anati was about security and safety. The weakness of my group was that we nobody wanted to become as moderator then lastly I had been selected as moderator. It shows that there was not voluntarism.

Reflection of panel discussion

My reflection in this panel discussion is that I should practice more to be as moderator, because while asking the question to others I feel very stress. Moreover, I need to learn more in order to become as a leader because while dividing parts I realize that I have lack experience of leadership skills. I learned from this topic something which is I got more information about women’s rights which is not given to them almost from all the part of life. Another thing is that it is improve my talking for public. In addition to this, it is teach me how to be a leader and when someone is leader what is his duty and how he should do his duty. Another thing is that, I learn how to manage my project to finish it on time and time management for my presentation.


To recapitulate, this was one of the best panel discussion for me because I like to talk about current issues which is going on and women’s rights which is not given is one of these issues. Moreover, civil society organization can play the main role in order to overcome these kind problems. Therefore in our panel discussion we discussed about this problem and indeed the panelists gave their opinion which civil society is one of he way to sole this problems to bring women’s rights.


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