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Democraziation is good as long as it does not pass its limits

One of the most up to date issues that we studied in the class of current affairs was Democrazation . This is topic was very interesting and full of diverging viewpoints. It was handled by Dr. Hamid and he really made us to understand how democracy comes to exist and its effects. It is my pleasure to be part of an interesting class where multinational students and professional meet and again I am very proud to witness the fascinating discussions about Democracy held during the lecture of democracy. This reflective dairy is about my stand towards total freedom or democratization after absorbing the points mentioned in the lecture and I will also try to link it how this new phenomena affected my life.

Democratization (or democratisation) is the transition to a more democratic political regime. It may be the transition from an authoritarian regime to a full democracy, a transition from an authoritarian political system to a semi-democracy or transition from a semi-authoritarian political system to a democratic political system. In our current context it means establishing a system of government which enables people to do whatever they want freely and it’s a kind of political system in which most of the first world countries use. The great Greek scholar Aristotle defined democracy as rule by the people (Greek demokratia: demos, people + -kratia, -cracy), and he meant this a government which is elected by the people in order to serve them. However, in practice, democratization has been very difficult to achieve and people interpret and use it differently.

Many countries implemented this political system and they want to believe that it will bring many benefits to them. The first one is that people are all in nature equal, that it is a natural right that people govern themselves, that they be free in a democratic sense. Since each person is an individual with free will and is equal in this sense to any other individual, the only system of natural governance is one in which all individuals collectively rule themselves. So it bring equality among all the people and solves the problems of racism and prejudices. Secondly, they believe it promotes personal development and economic prosperous. Thirdly, since democracy makes all people feel and minorities are better protected, it reduces the risks of civil wars, riots as well as genocides. Therefore, taking all these aspects of democrazition into account many people prefer it and consider it as the solution of overcoming ruling by power.

However, there are also negative effects of democrazation and the countries that are practicing it fully ignore them. Such negative effects include teenagers do many bad things in the name of democrazy and this simple explains why many of the developed countries cannot solve the problems of rape, increasing teenage pregnancy and other social problems. This is because many teenagers are guaranteed total freedom when they are not still mature enough, and few people think logically when they are entitled to enjoy total freedom.

In conclusion, I have learnt a lot from this lecture and it really encouraged me to search and learn more about democrazitaion. Honestly, I did not have sufficient knowledge about it, but now I have acquired enough. I would like to end the diary by saying democraziation is good and it is needed in every community as long as it doesn’t pass its limits. This means it should guarantee total freedom for all the people but it should also take into account the ethical issues like discouraging same sex marriage which is one of the topics which is gaining popularity in the name of democrazy and freedom.

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