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A moment that created me a thirst…- by Muhammed Saajid

When I heard that Current Affairs is going to be one of our subjects in this trimester, I become so happy. To be honest, the sole reason is that I did not possess enough knowledge in this field: neither do I have the habit of following up news; no do I regularly read any news regardless of my own country or International. It is sometimes when I feel that I read a newspaper or look for any online updates. However, I came to realize that this is something really detrimental which will make me lower in this competitive world where information plays a major role in decision making. This class has helped and I hope it will help me even in the future to create a quench towards current affairs. In the first class we learned about a tool that helps us to look at an issue critically. In fact, it is a window which looks at an issue not only in one perspective rather it looks in many different perspectives: Political, cultural, social and economic. Moreover the Information technology and the environment itself helps us to bring a more clear and unbiased picture about an issue or a current affair. When the lecturer started explaining and issue using this window I was mesmerized to hear his explanation since I have never thought of an issue in that way. When we discussed about different organization, it came to light that these organizations are influenced by the above mentioned factors. An event is carefully preplanned planed by interested parties or should I say benefiters before it comes to existence. For instance, World Trade Organization (WTO) is a body formed by the multinational companies around the world. They signed a treaty call General agreement on trade and tariff (GATT). It was signed in 1947. One of the agreements is that 2% of the goods must be imported by every nation. However, this 2% of import coming in to the county will lead to more import and eventually it will effect the domestic producers.

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